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Educational Publication
Zhabokrytskyj, Serhiy V.
Chuprykov, Anatoliy P.
Educational Manual
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The Manual highlights in detail organizational and legal, as well as scientific and practical
foundations of forensic psychiatry; the subject matter, tasks of, and reasons for scheduling a
legal and psychiatric examination, rights and duties of a forensic and psychiatric examiner,
organizational issues of forensic and psychiatric examination, the ambit of an examiner,
legal opinion and its legal evaluation. The diagnostics of mental disorders is represented
according to the international classification of mental states MKX-10. It also covers the
matter of expert judgment of various mental states occurring with suspects, defendants,
witnesses and victims, as well as the issue of cognizance and immunity, limited cognizance,
capacity and incapacity. It considers some examples of simulation and dissimulation of mental
disorders, problems of examination of minors and the issue of penitentiary psychiatry.
The Manual is intended for students of higher education non-medical institutions, as well
for officers and officials of judicial and investigative bodies.