chap-10 4/6/2004 17: 26 page 244
hypothesis that the interspecific difference in shape is purely a function of the interspecific
difference in size, we have not exhausted our questions.
When slopes differ, we can still use regression to remove the effects of size but we must
remove those effects separately, group by group. Now, we have to choose the value(s)
of size at which we will compare them, because the results will depend on that choice.
We also need to decide whether to compare them at the same size or at a biologically
comparable size. If we want to interpret the shape differences in functional terms, it makes
sense to compare them at the same size; all the theories we are considering relate shape to
size. However, if we want to interpret shape differences in developmental terms, we might
prefer to compare groups at developmentally comparable stages. Different groups may
reach the same developmental stage at different sizes (and/or ages), so comparing them at
a comparable stage may require comparing them at different sizes.
Whatever size(s) we pick, the procedure is the same. We fit the data to the linear
model, predict the expected shape at a particular size, and use that expected shape in
our comparisons. The expectation is for the mean, and if we want to know whether the
difference between species is statistically significant, we need more than the estimate of
the mean. We also need to know the variation around the mean for each species. We can
estimate that from the variation around the regression line – each individual deviates from
the shape expected for its size. The residuals from the regression line are the deviations
of an individual from the mean shape expected for its size, so we can use those residuals
to estimate the variation around the expected shape at one particular size. We add those
residuals to the expected shape at a given size, creating a “model population.” The model
population has the mean shape predicted by the regression equation, and the variance
obtained from the residuals from the regression. In producing this model population we
are assuming linearity of the relationship between size and shape, and even small departures
from linearity can become important because the residuals will not be randomly distributed
around the regression line (hence they are not randomly distributed around the mean).
Also, in using the regression equation to remove the effect of one factor on shape, we are
assuming that this factor does not interact with any others.
We need to take a cautious approach to size standardization (and to standardization by
any other variable), but it is often useful when we want to know whether samples differ
in another variable, taking into account their differences in size. To exemplify both the
rationale for size standardization, as well as its impact on comparative studies, we will
compare the shapes of S. elongatus, S. gouldingi and S. manueli, first without controlling
for the effects of size, and then after standardizing them to two different sizes.
Comparing shapes of S. elongatus, S. gouldingi and S. manueli
We first ask whether these three species differ significantly in shape, and if so how and by
how much. We will use MANOVA to test the hypothesis that they do not differ in shape
(see Chapter 9), then use canonical variates analysis (CVA) to find the dimensions along
which they are optimally discriminated (see Chapter 7), and then measure the Procrustes
distance between their shapes to determine by how much they differ. Based on MANOVA,
the three species are unquestionably different in shape, Wilks’ =0.0095 corresponding
to a χ
of 500, with 56 degrees of freedom (p 1 ×10
). The discriminant function
misclassifies only three of the 124 specimens (one individual of S. gouldingi is misclassified