chap-11 4/6/2004 17: 27 page 277
(owing to the larger range of angles obtained by resampling within S. gouldingi – 32.8
Comparing the cranial regressions also yields a modest angle (12.8
) that is not statisti-
cally significant. However, the interspecific angle between postcranial ontogenies is larger
), and this is statistically significant. Thus we can conclude that the two species
share a common cranial ontogeny, but the results for the postcranial landmarks are more
ambiguous. Based on PLS, we cannot say that the patterns of postcranial integration differ
between species. However, if we analyze the relationship between the postcranial land-
marks and size, we do find a significant difference between species. In this case, it is
important to decide whether the hypothesis ought to be formulated in terms of PLS or
In the comparison between P. denticulata and S. manueli, we find a relatively large
angle of 39.2
between SA1 of the cranial landmarks, which is statistically significant,
and an equally large angle for the postcranial landmarks of 40.2
, which is also sig-
nificant. Turning to the comparison of their cranial ontogenetic allometries based on
regression, we find an interspecific angle of 45.4
between cranial landmarks, and an
angle of 51.1
for the postcranial landmarks. In this case, both methods detect statis-
tically significant differences between species in both blocks of landmarks. Similarly, in
the comparison between S. manueli and S. gouldingi, the results from both methods are
consistent. Comparing cranial SV1s between species yields an angle of 43.4
, which is
statistically significant, and a comparably large angle between postcranial SV1s of 30.3
which is also significant. The analysis based on vectors of allometric coefficients yields
an interspecific cranial angle of 46.8
and postcranial angle of 32.7
, both of which are
statistically significant. Unfortunately we cannot assume that the results will always be
consistent, as they were not in the comparison between P. denticulata and S. gouldingi.
Thus, as in the analyses of intraspecific integration, it is important to decide whether the
analysis ought to be based on regression or on PLS.
Using PLS to test competing hypotheses of integration
Our objective now is to formulate competing hypotheses of integration and use PLS to
test them. Specifically, we ask whether the integration between the cranial and caudalmost
landmarks is greater than that between the cranial and median fin landmarks (the three
blocks are depicted in Figure 11.11). We might expect that this would be the case, because
the head and caudal body usually develop earlier than the midbody, and the deepening
of the midbody occurs fairly late in development. Any factors, both genetic and environ-
mental, that affect larval development are likely to affect both these cranial and caudal
regions, but might have little impact on midbody depth (or anteroposterior locations of
the median fins). Therefore, if the timing of development explains integration, we might
anticipate a greater correlation between parts that develop at the same time. We will test
this hypothesis using two species. In one, S. gouldingi, the general expectations appear
to be met (for reasons that will not be evident until Chapter 13, when we discuss the
relationship between allometric coefficients and developmental timing). In the other, the
caudalmost part of the body seems to develop unusually late in relation to the head, so
we would expect that this species would not evince greater integration between head and
tail than between head and fin/midbody landmarks.