Index 4/6/2004 17: 31 page 437
Affine transformations, see Uniform
Allometry, 56, 58, 322, 324, 325–58
allometric scaling, 325
estimation of, from traditional
morphometric data, 326–9
estimation of, from geometric
data, 350–1
interpretation of, 330–3, 350–1
comparing ontogenetic allometries
traditional morphometric data, 333–347
geometric data, 350–5
evolutionary, 322, 323
ontogenetic, 325, 326–33
software, 255–6
standardizing to remove effects of, see
Standardization by regression
transpositional, 341
see also Regression
Anisotropy, 61, 62
ANOVA, 212–17
graphic representation, 213
Aspect ratio of triangle, 59
Bartlett’s test for differences in Wilk’s
lambda, 178
Baseline, 54–5, 55–7
choice of, 56–7
interpreting shape variables relative to,
sliding, 109–113
Baseline registration, see Bookstein shape
coordinates; sliding baseline registration
Basis of a vector space, 125
orthonormal basis, 163–4
see also Eigenanalysis
Bending energy, 133–4, 146–9, see also
Non-uniform transformations,
partial warps
Bending energy matrix, see Bending energy
BigFix program, 69, 71
Biorthogonal directions, 61
Bivariate analysis, 190, 232–4
BMP format for image files, 45
Bonferroni adjustment, 65, 215
Bookstein shape coordinates, 31, 51–72
alternatives to, 105–9
as shape variables, 51–5
choice of baseline, 56–7
for multiple landmarks, 65–8
principal axes, 61
shape variables from, 51–5
shape differences described by, 58–60
software, 69
statistics, 57–8
variables implied by principal axes, 62–5
Bootstrap estimate, 196
Bootstrapping, 195–9, 223, 225
Box truss, 3–5
Brightness, image, 47
Canonical correlation analysis, 264–5
Canonical variates analysis, 15, 155, 170–80
algebraic description, 174–6
classification of groups by, 179
geometric description, 171–4
groups and grouping variables, 170
interpretation of results, 176–80
relationship to principal components
analysis, 155, 170–1
testing the statistical significance of canonical
variates, 178–9
software, 184–6, 224
using for taxonomic discrimination, 365–7
Cartesian coordinates, 76
CCA, see Canonical correlation analysis
CCoder program, 186–7
Centered configuration matrix, 77, 79–80, 83,
84, 86, 89, 90, 91, 93, 95, 98, 388, 390
Centering a configuration matrix, 89
Centroid position, 77, 109
Centroid size, 11, 13, 56, 78
calculating, 56
geometric depiction of the calculation, 56
radial notion of scale, 56
as uncorrelated with shape, 56
as the independent variable in studies of
allometry, 236–237, 240, 254
Characteristic equation, 163–4, 176, see also
Characters (Phylogenetic), 367–8
unsuitability of partial warps for, 369–72
using comparisons between vectors to find,