chap-15 4/6/2004 17: 29 page 386
of this chapter have been presented and discussed elsewhere (Bookstein, 1996a, 1996b,
1997a, 1997b; Green, 1996; Sampson et al., 1996; Rohlf and Slice, 1990; Rohlf and
Corti, 2000; Rohlf and Bookstein, 2003). Below, we discuss the general problems and
the advantages and disadvantages of particular approaches. Because most of the software
tools for applying these methods are in the early stages of development, we do not give
detailed instructions for performing particular analyses.
Landmarks in three dimensions
Biological objects (organisms or parts of organisms) are inherently three-dimensional.
Sometimes the third dimension can be ignored as a reasonable simplification – this is
valid if the third dimension is unimportant relative to the other two. For example, dis-
tances between landmarks might be much smaller in the third dimension than in the other
two, so that variation in this dimension contributes little to the description of overall shape
variation (examples include the leaves of many plants, and the bodies of some fish). It is
also possible that the third dimension simply is not relevant to the focus of a particular
analysis. For example, studies of the shape of the lower jaw might focus on the propor-
tions of lever arms associated with various muscles and teeth, and not be concerned with
projections out of the plane of jaw action. However, there are also times when variation
in the third dimension cannot be ignored without losing important information about the
overall pattern of shape variation. As illustrated below, the analysis of landmarks digitized
in three dimensions (X, Y and Z) only requires very simple extensions of the mathematics
principles discussed in previous chapters of this book – there are no new concepts.
The principal obstacles to executing a complete three-dimensional study, from data
collection to publication, are two problems that cannot be solved with mathematics: (1) the
cost of the equipment needed to collect the data, and (2) the difficulty of illustrating three-
dimensional shape differences on static two-dimensional media like the pages of this book.
The solutions to these problems lie in the arts of grant-writing and illustration, so we do
not address them in this book.
Some researchers have proposed clever alternatives to buying expensive equipment for
three-dimensional digitizing (e.g. Spencer and Spencer, 1995; Fadda et al., 1997). Most
of these alternatives involve collecting a series of overlapping images at different angles;
some use mirrors, others rotate the specimen as if it were on a rotisserie. Landmarks are
digitized in each two-dimensional image, and then the angle between two images is used
to compute a set of three-dimensional coordinates from the two sets of two-dimensional
coordinates for the landmarks present in both images. Similar triangulation schemes are
used in some commercial digitizers.
The problem with a triangulation technique is that the uncertainty of the third coordi-
nate (Z) is produced by a combination of three different potential errors: (1) error in digiti-
zing the first two coordinates (X, Y) of the landmarks in the overlapping views; (2) error
in measuring the angle between images; and (3) error in measuring the distance from the
specimen to the camera lens. The compounding of these errors means that the computed
third coordinate is likely to have a much larger error than the two directly observed coor-
dinates; it also means that the error in the third coordinate is not independent of the errors
in the first two coordinates. In commercially produced digitizers the confidence interval