chap-13 4/6/2004 17: 28 page 351
model – either a power law (Equation 13.1) or a sigmoidal curve of size or shape relative
to time. Instead, they indicate that shape changes with size. The underlying causes of those
changes are the same ones that account for allometric coefficients of traditional measure-
ments, but we cannot treat the coefficients as if they were rates of growth of individually
meaningful variables, nor can we use them to estimate time-lags between growth curves of
organs. Unlike the allometric coefficients of traditional measurements, those of geometric
shape variables have no individual biological meaning. For that reason, comparisons of
ontogenetic allometries using geometric variables are rarely (if ever) done bivariately. We
would not plot one shape variable at a time on size, except to check for linearity. In a geo-
metric analysis we are not comparing coefficients measurement-by-measurement; rather,
we are comparing whole sets of coefficients describing the ontogeny of an entire landmark
configuration. However, the difference in the meanings of the coefficients does not impede
our ability to recognize the patterns discussed above in the context of traditional measure-
ments. None of these patterns were defined in terms of particular coefficients; hence they
are not functions of a particular measurement scheme. We can thus examine the evidence
for them in geometric as well as traditional data.
To depict the pattern of channeling, we can consider a hypothetical case in which species
have the same shape at the outset of development and follow the same ontogeny of shape,
but differ in the overall rate or timing of development. Graphical evidence of channeling is
shown in Figure 13.19, where we see that the coordinates of the juveniles of the two species
are the same (Figure 13.19A), as are the two ontogenies of shape (Figure 13.19B), but the
trajectories differ in length (Figure 13.19C). Perhaps the most compelling visual evidence
is shown in Figure 13.20 – the descendant adult morphology lies at a subadult position on
the ancestral ontogeny. We can see the coordinates for the descendant’s landmarks in an
intermediate position along the ancestral ontogeny.
The graphical evidence is corroborated by statistical analysis. In a statistical test of
channeling, we would not expect to find a significant difference between the two ontogenies
of shape or in the shape at the youngest comparable phase but we would anticipate a
difference in the length of the ontogenetic vector (the parameter that measures the total
amount of change undergone in each ontogeny over the observed phase). Carrying out these
tests for the hypothetical species depicted in Figure 13.18, we would measure the similarity
between ontogenies of shape by the angle between the (normalized) vector of allometric
coefficients {m
, m
, m
, ...m
}. We find no significant difference between them; the
tiny angle of only 1.8
is not significant compared to the ranges that can be obtained by
resampling within them (4.2
, 7.5
). We also find no significant interspecific difference
between shapes at the outset of the measured phase of development using Goodall’s F-test
(p > 0.999); and the magnitude of the difference between them is a Procrustes distance of
0.0. We do, however, find a significant difference in the length of their ontogenetic vectors
as estimated by the Procrustes distance between youngest and oldest comparable stages; for
the ancestral species that distance is 0.1999 (0.1961–0.2030), whereas for the descendant
it is only 0.109 (0.1055–0.1129). Thus, the descendant’s ontogeny is a truncated version
of the ancestor’s.