chap-14 4/6/2004 17: 29 page 368
this issue must be addressed before the first one is even relevant; coding becomes a moot
issue if there are no characters to code, and if there are no characters, we cannot test the
hypothesis that they are especially homoplastic.
It is clear that partial warps should not be used as characters (for the reasons discussed
below), but it is not clear what ought to be used instead. It is not even clear that the
problem has a solution. The major objective of the first part of this section is to define the
problem we had hoped to solve using partial warps, then to explain why our approach was
flawed. In the next section we discuss two alternatives, both of which rely on conventional
multivariate methods, but neither is precisely tailored to the problem.
Defining the problem
The general problem we face is to find features that differ among taxa and are shared by a
subset of them. The differences indicate evolutionary novelties and the similarities indicate
common ancestry, although we will not be able to determine which are novelties until we
have completed the phylogenetic analysis. We would not expect that an entire shape is a
character because species rarely have exactly the same shape (whether we are comparing
whole bodies or parts of them). If we think of the problem from the perspective of whole
landmark configurations, we will not make any progress. On the other hand, if we do
not think of the problem in terms of whole landmark configurations, we may be led to
theoretically invalid solutions. Therefore the problem is to analyze entire configurations of
landmarks, and find features that differ among taxa and are similar among a subset of taxa.
Additionally, to say that we have a character we must be able to say where it is, and over
how large a spatial expanse it extends. A primary objection to traditional morphometric
variables is that they are lines, having no spatial extent as individual variables. As soon
as we try to determine their spatial location and extent, even by multivariate analyses,
we face one of the most severe limitations of traditional morphometric data – their poor
ability to localize morphological differences.
When looking for these similarities and differences, we are not concerned with the
magnitude of the difference, nor its degree of localization. Small differences (so long as
they are large enough to be considered a difference at all) count as much as large ones, and
spatially large-scale differences count as much as localized ones. Consequently, neither the
Procrustes distance between taxa nor the bending energy of the transformation has any
relevance to the problem. This is one of the reasons why it is so difficult to solve – neither
of the metrics used in geometric morphometrics is germane to the problem, and if there is
a relevant metric, it has yet to be defined.
When we first approached this problem, we focused on one major limitation of conven-
tional (qualitative) approaches: that organisms are often dissected arbitrarily, along lines
of convention. Conventional anatomical subdivisions are often not biologically meaningful
except in the context of a particular problem. For example, if we are interested in locomo-
tion and foraging, we can subdivide an organism into parts that are used in locomotion and
parts that are used in foraging. Alternatively, if we are interested in development, we can
subdivide the organism into parts that have a common germ-layer origin, or that develop
from the same type of bone, or that undergo the same kinds of epigenetic interactions,
etc. These subdivisions have long been regarded as arbitrary, except to the extent that
they are useful in a particular investigation. These subunits are not suitable for dissecting