Index 4/6/2004 17: 31 page 440
Means, comparing statistically, see ANOVA,
MANOVA, computer-based statistical
methods, Student’s t-test, F-test, Goodall’s
Standard error of, 194, 200
Mean square, 215
Measurement theory, 2–10
Mglinstaller, 20
Monte Carlo simulations, 201–2, 305
Morphological disparity, see Disparity
Multiple regression, 262–3, 264–5
Multiple triangles, 65–8
Multivariate analysis of covariance,
Multivariate analysis of variance,
Multivariate regression, see Regression
Nearest-neighbor analysis, 303–8
Negative allometry, 330
Neoteny, 338, 340
Non-affine transformations, see Non-uniform
Non-uniform deformation, see Non-uniform
Non-uniform transformations, 143–51, 391–2
algebraic introduction, 146–50
intuitive introduction, 143–6
see also Bending energy, partial warps,
uniform transformations
Normal distribution, 191, 194–5, 211, 212,
215, 219, 234
Normalized vector, 251, 256, see also
Orthonormal basis
Ontogenetic scaling, 336–7
Ontogenetic allometry, 322, 324, 325, 333–4
Ontogenetic trajectory, 341–5
computing by multivariate regression,
see Regression
comparing, 336–47
see also Ontogenetic allometry
Ontogeny, in relation to phylogeny, 321–62
Ordination methods, see Principal components
analysis, canonical variates analysis
Orthogonality, 163, 164
Orthonormal basis, 163–4
Outliers, 119
Outlines, see Semilandmarks
Over-dispersion, 307
Paedomorphosis, 334, 337, 341
Parallelism, between ontogeny and phylogeny,
321, 322, 334
Parameters, 191
Partial disparity, 302
Partial least squares analysis, 261–90
comparison with CCA, 264–5
comparison with PCA, 263–4
comparison with regression, 262–3
comparing patterns of covariances across
groups, 265, 276–7
using to test hypotheses of morphological
integration, 266–76, 277–9
software, 285–9
Partial Procrustes distance, 83, 85, 87, 93–6,
99, 222
Partial Procrustes superimposition, 93, 115
Partial warp scores, 129, 143
Partial warps, 143–51, 298
algebraic introduction, 146–50
degrees of freedom, 128–9
intuitive introduction, 143–6
using as variables in conventional
multivariate analyses,
why not to use as phylogenetic characters,
see also Bending energy, non-uniform
PCA, see Principal components analysis
PCAGen program, 151, 181–4
Peramorphosis, 334, 337, 341
Permutation test, 199–200
Ontogeny and, 321–61
Inferring from morphometric data, 363–5,
Photo-editing software, 47
Pillai’s trace, 219
Pinhole camera, 40–4
Pinocchio effect, 119, 120, 132
PLS, see Partial least squares analysis
Population, 190
Positive allometry, 330
Power (statistical), 205
Power law, formalism for analysis of allometry,
Pre-shape space, 79–83
definition, 79
fibers in, 81–3
shape of, 79–80
Principal axes of a transformation, 61
variables implied by, 62–5
Principal components analysis, 15, 156–70,
algebraic description of, 161–5
comparison with PLS, 263–4
finding phylogenetic characters by, 372–6
geometric description of, 156–61
interpretation of results, 166–70
relationship to allometric coefficients,
principal component scores, 159–61
relationship to canonical variates analysis,
155, 170–1