chap-12 4/6/2004 17: 27 page 307
Testing over-dispersion Using the uniform model, the average P
of the juveniles is
−0.2810 and the 95% range of P
is from −0.3551 to −0.1792, an interval that
excludes zero. This result suggests a non-random distribution, with distances being smaller
than expected under a random uniform model. Using the Gaussian model, the average
=−0.2758 and its range is from −0.3450 to −0.1950, an interval that again excludes
zero. Both results thus argue against the hypothesis of a random distribution and also
against over-dispersion. Instead they suggest clustering, the hypothesis we will explicitly
test after we have tested the hypothesis of over-dispersion for adults.
Using the uniform null model, the average P
of the adults is −0.267 and the range
is from −0.3365 to −0.1689, an interval that excludes zero. This result also suggests
a non-random distribution, with distances being smaller than expected under a random
uniform model. Using the Gaussian model, the average P
=−0.2636 and the range
is from −0.3312 to −0.2036, an interval that also excludes zero. As we found for the
juveniles, the data argue against the null hypothesis of a random distribution, and also
against over-dispersion. Therefore, we now explicitly test the hypothesis of clustering.
Testing clustering We now test the hypothesis of clustering using the narrower estimate
of the range. For the juveniles, based on the uniform model, the average P
with a range from −0.3813 to −0.2247, an interval that excludes zero and supports the
hypothesis of clustering. Analyzing the data under the null Gaussian model, the average
=−0.3006 with a range from −0.3700 to −0.2372, an interval that again excludes
zero. Taking these results altogether, they suggest that juvenile piranha body shapes are
more tightly clustered than expected under either null model.
For the adults, using the uniform null model, the average P
=−0.2537 with a range
from −0.3092 to −0.1788, an interval that excludes zero. These results again support the
inference of clustering. Analyzing the data under the Gaussian null model, the average
=−0.2388 with a range from −0.3091 to −0.1598, an interval that once again
excludes zero. Taking these results altogether, they suggest that adult piranha body shapes
are more tightly clustered than expected under either null model.
While both developmental stages seem to exhibit clustering, that does not mean that they
are otherwise similar in their patterns of disparity. Later in this chapter we will compare
the subspaces of morphospace they occupy to determine if they are the same.
Nearest-neighbor analysis of 10-day-old house mouse skull shape variation
Nearest-neighbor analysis can be used to examine patterns of variation as well as disparity.
To exemplify this, we will analyze the variation in 10-, 15-, 20- and 25-day-old mouse
skulls. The superimposed landmarks for these ages were shown in Figure 12.4. Considering
that each sample comprises individuals from a single homogeneous population, we would
expect random variation to follow a Gaussian distribution. Results of analyses based on
both range estimators (i.e. the parameter values estimated using the Strauss–Sadler estimate
of the range (SS), and those estimated from the data (DP)) are given in Table 12.4. It is
difficult to argue that the data suggest a departure from random variation. When the
parameter estimates are based on an expanded range, the two youngest samples seem
to be more clustered than expected under the null hypothesis of a Gaussian distribution.
That expansion seems appropriate in light of the small sample sizes, but using it could be