chap-09 4/6/2004 17: 25 page 225
To test the significance of the difference between samples using the partial Procrustes
distances, choose Goodall’s F (Procrustes). For this test, the coordinates are superimposed
using GLS with the specimens rescaled to unit centroid size (see Chapter 5). Again, values
of F, the degrees of freedom, and p will appear in the results window. The distance between
means is also reported, which is the partial Procrustes distance.
Next to the buttons for the analytic tests are buttons for two tests that use a bootstrap
resampling procedure (F-test, SBR and F-test, Procrustes). The F-test, SBR is a resampling-
based F-test for coordinates in the SBR superimposition; F-test, Procrustes is a resampling-
based version of Goodall’s F-test. Before choosing either option, select the right number
of iterations in the No. of Bootstraps box on the far left. The results, which will appear
in the results window, will include the F-value computed for the original data set. After
this is a “Significance level:..” which is the fraction of iterations (in decimal format) in
which F is greater than or equal to the value reported for the original data. The output
also includes a distance between the means of the original data sets. Again, if you selected
the Procrustes test, this is the minimized partial Procrustes distance; if you selected SBR,
it is not the minimized distance because the specimens are not in the partial Procrustes
The three buttons in the box labeled Bootstrapped Distances Between Means invoke
analyses in which bootstrap resampling is used to estimate the standard error and 95%
range of estimates for the distance between the group means under the indicated super-
imposition. The observed distance and the bootstrapped standard error of that difference
can be used to test whether the distance between one pair of samples is different from the
distance between another pair of samples (using TBox, described below).
Like the standard error, the 95% range is a measure of the uncertainty of the observed
distance between the two means. However, this range should not be used to test the
hypothesis that this distance is significantly greater than zero. A distance cannot be less
than zero. Even if the groups have identical means, it is unlikely that bootstrap sets will
be drawn in which the difference is exactly zero. You can demonstrate this by loading the
same file twice (i.e. using the same file as data sets 1 and 2); the lower end of the confidence
interval will be a small number, but still greater than zero.
The value of the 95% range is that it can be used to evaluate whether the distance
between one pair of groups is different from the distance between a second pair of groups.
If the ranges for the distances do not overlap, then the difference between the distances
is statistically significant. The limitation of this test is that it may be too stringent: the
probability that both distances are more similar than the adjacent ends of the ranges is
considerably less than 0.05 (in fact, it is less than 0.05
if the normal model applies). If
you have ranges that overlap, you may want to consider using the standard errors in an
analytic test (in TBox), as mentioned before.
Another option for comparing the difference between two distances is to bootstrap that
difference. Use Load Data Set 1 and Load Data Set 2 to load the first pair of samples,
then go to the File pull-down menu and use Load Group 3 and Load Group 4 to load the
second pair of samples. Now go to the More Stats pull-down menu and select Bootstrap
Distances 1+2vs3+4. When the iterations are completed, the results window will show the
partial Procrustes distance between means 1 and 2, the 95% range and the standard error.
Scrolling through the results will reveal the same information for the distance between
means 3 and 4. At the end, you will come to the 95% range for the difference between