chap-06 4/6/2004 17: 23 page 143
Decomposing the non-uniform (non-affine) component
The non-uniform part of a deformation differs from the uniform in that it does not leave
the sides of a square parallel. However, like the uniform part, the non-uniform can be
further decomposed into a set of orthogonal components. The decomposition of the non-
uniform deformation is based on the thin-plate spline interpolation function, and produces
components called partial warps. We first describe an intuitive introduction to partial
warps, then a more mathematical one.
An intuitive introduction to partial warps
The non-uniform component describes changes that have a location and spatial extent on
the organism; they are not the same everywhere. They describe spatially graded phenomena
such as anteroposterior growth gradients, and more highly localized changes such as the
elongation of the snout relative to the eye. The notion of spatial scale is central to the
analysis, so we need an intuitive notion of spatial scale. In general (but imprecise) terms,
a change at small spatial scale is one confined to a small region of an organism. To refine
that idea, and develop a firmer grasp of the concept, we show several components at
progressively smaller spatial scales (Figure 6.5).
Figure 6.5A shows a component at large spatial scale that, while broadly distributed,
is not the same everywhere (so it is not uniform). The particular example shown in Figure
6.5A is the elongation of the midbody relative to the more cranial and caudal regions. A
more localized change, confined to the posterior region of the body, is shown in Figure
6.5B – a shortening of the region between the dorsal and adipose fins relative to the dorsal
fin and caudal peduncle. Because more distant landmarks are not involved in the change, it
is more localized than the one shown in Figure 6.5A. Another localized change is shown in
Figure 6.5C, this time confined to the cranial region. This is a shortening of the postorbital
region relative to the regions just anterior and posterior.
The components we have described above and depicted in Figure 6.5 are partial warps,
but to draw them we had to specify their orientation (we drew them as oriented along
the anteroposterior body axis). That orientation is not actually specified by the partial
warps themselves; rather, it is provided by a two-dimensional vector, the partial warp
scores. There is one two-dimensional vector per partial warp. These scores express the
contribution that each partial warp makes to the total deformation. The scores have an X-
and Y-component, and indicate the direction of the partial warp. The idea of direction or
orientation should be familiar from previous chapters. In Figure 6.6 we show one partial
warp (that depicted in Figure 6.5B) multiplied by three different vectors. It may be easiest
to see the directions by looking at the orientation of the vectors at landmarks. Figure
6.6A shows the partial warp oriented horizontally, which in our case corresponds to the
X-direction, so the coefficient of the X-component is large and that of the Y-component
is negligible. In contrast, Figure 6.6B shows the vector with a negligible X-component and
a large Y-component. Figure 6.6C shows the vector with X- and Y-components of equal
We have described partial warps one at a time, but a complete description (and interpre-
tation) requires combining them all. Taken separately, partial warps are purely geometric
constructs – a function of the location and spacing of the landmarks of the reference form.
They are obtained by a geometric decomposition of the landmarks of the reference form