chap-05 4/6/2004 17: 23 page 123
superimposition to rotate the skull, and the midline with it. The GLS is free to perform that
rotation because the orientation of the skull is not information relevant to an analysis of
shape. In contrast, our interpretation that the midline has been rotated, and especially our
unease with that interpretation, reveals a perspective in which orientation is information
relevant to an analysis of skulls.
The conflict between the two views outlined above raises an important conceptual issue.
If we regard rotation as inappropriate under some conditions, we need to clarify what we
actually mean by equivalent shapes. In particular, if we would not consider two forms to
be equivalent when they differ by rotation (or translation) of an axis of symmetry, then
we should not place them in the same class or claim that there is no distance between
them. This view of rotation is not consistent with the Procrustes metric, or with the idea
that rotations do not alter shape. Either we must adopt a different definition of shape
(and a new theory of shape analysis to go with it), or we must recognize that sometimes
the difference of interest is not purely a difference in shape. The latter approach seems
more productive; not only does it retain a well-established theory of shape analysis, but
it also recognizes that there is more to morphology than shape. In the case of the rodent
skulls, the rotations that were used to reveal shape differences removed an important
component of information about skull morphology – namely skull orientation. Usually
orientation is viewed as a “nuisance” parameter because it only refers to the orientation
of a specimen on a digitizer, but when dealing with axes of symmetry, orientation has
a biological significance. The loss of information about orientation is what makes the
pictures difficult to interpret.
Fortunately, the conflict between biological and geometric perspectives can be addressed
by judicious choice of graphical styles; we do not need to give up one perspective for the
other. The statistical analyses can be performed on the symmetrized data (the half skull)
to evaluate shape differences, regardless of the graphical representation. One option is to
use SBR to depict the results, although this method will not convey the actual Procrustes
distances among shapes (the coordinates obtained by SBR can be analyzed statistically,
using a resampling method, to check that the results are consistent with those based on
the coordinates obtained by GLS). Another option is to duplicate the coordinates of the
symmetrized landmarks, reflect them back across the midline to create whole symmet-
rical shapes, and then perform a GLS superimposition on the reconstructed whole skulls
(Figure 5.9C; see also Zelditch et al., 2003). This approach allows us to use coordinates that
are consistent with the Procrustes distance metric (hence directly depict the results of any
statistical analyses that are done) while avoiding the problem of interpreting inappropriate
translations or rotations of the baseline.
Although none of the limitations of GLS are particularly burdensome, there are still
times when a baseline superimposition method might be preferred. Generally, these are
cases when it is useful to have all shapes aligned to a standardized or conventional ori-
entation. Alignment of the skulls along the midline (as above) is just one such example.
Frequently, fixing the baseline simplifies the interpretation of complex shape changes by
making it possible to begin with an analysis of each landmark’s displacement relative to
the baseline (although it remains difficult to talk about changes in all the free landmarks
relative to each other). To the extent that this is an advantage, it is a bigger advantage
for BC than SBR because BC fixes all four coordinates of the baseline endpoints and
SBR fixes only two. In some cases this advantage might be cancelled out by the fact that