chap-05 4/6/2004 17: 23 page 117
are reduced, because relative deepening can also be expressed as relative shortening; con-
sequently, landmarks 1 and 7 are shown moving posteriorly and anteriorly respectively.
Both BC and SBR also indicate that the dorsal body deepens faster than the ventral body,
and that several landmarks in the head are displaced dorsally. In GLS (Figure 5.8C) we
see landmarks 1 and 7 moving toward each other as in SBR, but only in GLS do we see
these two landmarks move ventrally relative to all other landmarks. The ventral displace-
ments of these landmarks are an equally valid representation of the greater deepening of
the dorsal body, but one that minimizes the covariance of head and dorsal body land-
marks. This effect is achieved by minimizing the implied displacements of all landmarks
The more important advantage of GLS is that it is grounded in the mathematical theory
of shape. Configurations of landmarks are manipulated using the three operations that do
not alter shape as defined by Kendall. These operations are used in a manner that removes
all differencesthat are not shape differences. The configurations produced by this procedure
are those that map to points in the shape spaces implied by Kendall’s definition of shape.
The computed distances between these configurations (the various Procrustes distances)
are the distances between points in those spaces, or in certain linear approximations of
those spaces. The characteristics of these metrics are well known, providing a secure and
stable foundation for biological shape analysis.
One of the main disadvantages of GLS is that it yields the full complement of 2K
variable coordinates, which is four more than the number of dimensions of the shape space.
Fortunately, this is a relatively minor problem that can be circumvented rather easily. One
option is to convert the coordinates to the variables discussed in Chapter 6 – the partial
warps scores (the two sets of results will be consistent because both use the same distance
metric). Another option is to use the resampling-based statistical methods discussed in
Chapter 8, which do not require estimates of degrees of freedom. Yet another option is
to use statistical tests specifically adapted to the GLS coordinates (e.g. Goodall’s F-test,
discussed in Chapter 9). Thus the excess number of variable coordinates does not pose an
obstacle to valid statistical analysis.
Another disadvantage is that GLS can yield visually unsettling results, such as rotated
axes of symmetry. For example, analyses of rodent skulls (Zelditch et al., 2003) use
“symmetrized” landmarks on one half of the skull to avoid inflating degrees of freedom
(coordinates for one side are reflected onto the other and the coordinates of the two sides
are averaged for each specimen; see Chapter 3). In the GLS result (Figure 5.9A) the midline
of the skull appears to rotate, but that cannot happen; the midline is the midline regardless
of variation in shape. Not only is this apparent rotation of the midline visually troubling,
it also complicates the interpretation of the results. These are the problems that SBR was
designed to overcome (Figure 5.9B). Because SBR prevents rotation of the baseline, it
yields a more realistic representation of the data – in this case, of the ontogenetic change in
skull shape. Actually, a very similar picture can be obtained by duplicating the landmark
coordinates (except the landmarks on the midline) and reflecting the second set across
the midline, then performing GLS superimposition on the reconstructed whole skulls (Fig-
ure 5.9C). In general, reconstructing the whole skull makes a more interpretable picture
(one that looks more like the organism), so it might be useful to present results in these terms
even if the statistical analyses used the GLS coordinates computed for the symmetrized
half skull.