chap-04 4/6/2004 17: 22 page 80
of radius one, centered on the origin, and it is a two-dimensional subspace within a three-
dimensional space. Again, the constraint that all points are on the surface allows us to
describe the location of a point by giving a direction from the center; the only difference
from the circle is that we now need two components to describe that direction (e.g. latitude
and longitude). So in talking about a pre-shape space we are talking about the surface of
a hypersphere centered on the origin, which is the generalization of an ordinary sphere in
K ×M dimensions. In that general case, we have:
= 1(4.8)
which states that the sum of all squared landmark coordinates is one. That hypersphere is
simply the equivalent of a sphere in more than three dimensions.
We can determine the number of dimensions in pre-shape space by considering the num-
ber of dimensions that were lost in the transition from configuration space. One dimension
is lost in fixing centroid size to one, eliminating the size dimension of the configuration
space. Another, M dimensions are lost in centering the configurations; eliminating the M
dimensions needed to describe location (the coordinates of the centroid). Thus in moving
from configuration space to pre-shape space, we moved to a space that has M +1 fewer
dimensions, which is:
KM −(M +1) =KM −M −1(4.9)
For two-dimensional configurations of landmarks, pre-shape spaces have 2K −3 dimen-
sions; so the pre-shape space for triangles has three dimensions. For three-dimensional
configurations of landmarks, pre-shape spaces have 3K −4 dimensions.
Returning to the three-dimensional sphere (because most of us have trouble imagining
spaces having more than three dimensions), you should be imagining pre-shape space to be
a hollow ball of radius one, centered at the origin (0, 0, 0). Arrayed on the two-dimensional
surface of this ball are points representing individual configurations of landmarks. The two
restrictions we have imposed on our configuration matrices mean that the configurations
in this set do not differ in scale or location; we have used the operations of translation and
scaling to remove the effects of (differences in) location and scale. We have not yet rotated
the shapes to remove the effects of rotation (that comes later, as we move from pre-shape
space to shape space). Thus, configurations of landmarks that differ only by a rotation
are located at different points in pre-shape space, as are configurations that differ only in
shape. This underscores an important point (which some may find counterintuitive): as we
said earlier, configurations that differ only by a rotation (such as those shown in Figure
4.1B) do not differ in shape. Because we have not yet removed all three effects mentioned
in Kendall’s definition of shape (location, scale and rotation) we have not yet reached
shapes. At present we are concerned with pre-shapes, i.e. configurations that may differ
by a rotation, by a shape change or by some combination of the two. In pre-shape space,
configurations that differ only by rotation are different points, as are configurations that
differ only in shape.