chap-03 4/6/2004 17: 21 page 58
Because every landmark has two dimensions (its X-, and Y-coordinates), statistical
analyses are necessarily multivariate. Even if we are asking whether two samples of triangles
differ in average shape, we must use a multivariate test. In particular, we would use the
multivariate form of the familiar Student’s t-test, Hotelling’s T
test (see, for example,
Morrison, 1990). When comparing two samples of triangles, the test is applied to the two
coordinates of landmark C. When we are comparing more than two samples, we can use
Wilks’ (Rao, 1973) or one of the related statistics obtained by a multivariate analysis of
variance (MANOVA). In studies of allometry, we use multivariate regression.
To apply any of these statistical tests to the data, it is first necessary to decide the
appropriate null hypothesis. In many cases, the null hypothesis is that the differences in
shape between two or more samples are due solely to chance (the vagaries of sampling).
To test this hypothesis, the shape coordinates (for free landmarks only, not for baseline
points) are compared by Hotelling’s T
test (in the two-group case) or by MANOVA (in
the multigroup case). This can be done in any statistical package. If, for example, the
two samples being compared are two sexes, “sex” is the categorical variable, the factor
whose effect is being tested. If the difference is statistically significant, that is evidence of
sexual dimorphism. Dimorphism in size can also be tested, which involves a univariate
test because size is a one-dimensional variable. To test the hypothesis that males and
females differ in shape because they differ in size, and solely for that reason, MANCOVA
(multivariate analysis of covariance) is used.
Studies of allometry are equally straightforward. The null hypothesis is that there is no
covariance between size and shape beyond that due to sampling effects, and rejection of the
null hypothesis means there is a correlation between size and shape – allometry. Again, this
test can be done using any conventional statistical package; the shape coordinates of the
free landmark(s) comprise the dependent variable (we will refer to it in the singular, as the
dependent “variable”, even though it has multiple components). Size is the independent
variable, and the effect to be tested is that of size on shape.
Describing shape differences
Having documented that shapes do differ, or do covary with a measured factor, the next
step is to describe that difference or covariance. A description comes before any interpreta-
tion, because interpretations offer an explanation and we need to know what the effect is
before we can explain it. For example, if we want to interpret the impact of size on shape,
we first need to know how size affects shape. We can then interpret that effect in light
of growth processes or biomechanics. If we detect allometry statistically, and describe the
shape variable that covaries with size effectively, we can then seek explanations in terms
of growth and biomechanics.
Given a comparison between two triangles, we first find the vector linking landmarks
; that vector has two components, its X- and Y-coordinates. In Figure 3.5A, the tri-
angle is drawn between the tip of the snout (landmark A), the posterior end of the hypural
bones (landmark B) and the free landmark (C) at the anterior dorsal fin base. The differ-
ence between the two shapes is entirely along the Y-direction of landmark C – the little
vector extending between C and C
points directly upwards (Figure 3.5B). We can describe
it as a vertical (dorsad) displacement of the anterior dorsal fin base relative to the baseline.