10.3.4 Importance of “natural air” as a lubricant
The freshly generated surface of the work material is very clean and chemically active. How-
ever, the surfaces of steel or carbide tools, before cutting starts, are contaminated with oxide,
with adsorbed organic layers and other accidental oils. When cutting starts, the strength of the
bond formed between tool and work material at first depends on the cleanliness of the tool sur-
face. However, the unidirectional flow of work material across the tool surface tends to remove
contaminated layers. This action requires a finite time which varies greatly with the tool, work
material and cutting conditions.
When turning nickel, steel and titanium alloys a strongly
bonded interface is established very rapidly. However, in interrupted cutting operations, such as
milling, continuous contact times are often much shorter than one second. Then the area of
bonding may be considerably reduced or eliminated by the periodic exposure of the tool surface
to the action of air and active lubricants. This is particularly true when extreme pressure lubri-
cants are used with sulfur and chlorine additives.
Thus air itself acts to some extent as a cutting lubricant.
If cutting were carried out in oxy-
gen-free outer space, problems of high cutting forces and extensive seizure would be encoun-
tered. The action of air modifies the flow of the chip at its outer edge when cutting steel. In this
region, oxygen from the air can penetrate some distance from the chip edge and act to prevent
seizure locally, i.e., at the position H-E in the diagram, Figure 3.17.
Figure 3.3 shows scanning electron micrographs of a steel chip cut at 49 m min
(150 ft/min)
- note the segmented character of the outer edge. Sections through this outer edge show a typical
“slip-stick” action, Figure 10.8. The steel first sticks to the tool. However, the presence of oxy-
gen in this region then restricts the bonding between tool and work material to small localized
areas. Then, the feed force becomes strong enough to break the local bonds, and a segment of the
chip slides away across the tool surface. The process is then repeated - successive segments first
stick and then slide away to form the segmented outer edge of the chip. Oxygen is able to pene-
trate for only a short distance - e.g., 0.25 mm (0.010 in) - from the outer edge of the chip at this
cutting speed. Further inside the chip body, seizure is continuous. Figure 10.9 is a section
through the same chip at a distance of 0.50 mm (0.020 in) from the edge and shows a flow pat-
tern typical of seizure.
10.3.5 Importance of nitrogen in protecting the tool surfaces
In summary, oxygen plays a very important role in creating oxides on the tool surface and
freshly cut work material surfaces.
These oxides “in the right places on the rake face” reduce friction and tool wear. However, “in
the wrong places” oxides accelerate notch wear.
Deep grooves are often worn in the tool at the positions where the chip edge moves over the
tool with this slip-stick action (Figures 6.23 and 7.26). This “grooving” or “notching” wear is
associated with chemical interaction between the tool and work material surfaces and atmo-
spheric oxygen. The rate of grooving wear is strongly influenced by jets of gas directed at this
position. When cutting steel with high speed steel or cemented carbide tools, wear at this posi-
tion is greatly accelerated by a jet of oxygen and retarded or eliminated by jets of nitrogen or
argon. This same effect is observed when cutting with a CVD-coated tool where the coating is
TiC. However, there is usually no grooving on tools coated with alumina, as long as this coating