There is some evidence that these inclusions need not be drawn out into long thin ribbons in
the flow-zone, as demonstrated for MnS inclusions. They may remain rigid in the flow-zone
(Region cd and ef in Figure 5.5) but be plastically deformed as they are smeared on the tool sur-
face (Region OXY in Figure 5.5). The use of calcium in deoxidation seems essential, and the
product resulting from its use is often referred to as calcium de-oxidized steel.
It has required many years for these initial observations to be translated into commercial prac-
tice. Steels with “improved machinability” or “inclusion modification” were first developed in
Japan, Germany and Finland, and are now produced in most industrial countries. Data on indus-
trial performance suggest that a major advantage is more uniform machinability: low wear rate,
reduced cutting forces and improved chip form.
However, good machinability is rarely the primary quality required of a steel. De-oxidation
practice has to be designed to ensure correct response to heat treatment. This heat treatment must
also produce appropriate qualities in the final product - such as yield strength, creep resistance,
fatigue resistance, and fracture toughness. These objectives may demand other types of inclusion
- and these may favor or impede “machinability”.
Whether or not the “special deoxidation” practices can be generally adopted, it is certain that
there is much scope in the future for adjustment of steel making practice. The ultimate goal is to
produce steels capable of more consistent performance during machining at high rates of metal
removal. (And without resorting to the addition of large percentages of sulfur or lead).
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