ing cutting, followed much later and is still continuing. Details of the mechanism of diffusion
wear are still a subject of research, but knowledge of the main features of this wear process can
form one of the useful guidelines for those involved in tool development and application.
Minor modifications to composition and structure were introduced to give improvements for
particular applications such as milling, but until the 1970s, with the introduction of coated tools,
no major new line of development achieved outstanding success.
7.7.1 A special note on machining at low speeds
The very large improvement in tool performance achieved by the introduction of the cubic
carbides results from the low rate at which TiC and TaC diffuse into (dissolve in) the hot steel
moving over the tool surface. The improvement is specific to the cutting of steel at high rates of
metal removal. If either the temperature at the tool-work interface is too low, or work material
other than steel or iron are machined, the advantages gained by using the steel-cutting grades
disappear and tool performance is often better when using one of the WC-Co grades.
When machining steel at speeds and feeds in the region of the built-up edge line (Figures 7.16
and 7.29) or below, the usual wear mechanism is attrition, and the steel-cutting grades are more
rapidly worn by attrition than are the WC-Co grades, the cubic carbides being more readily bro-
ken up than WC. For this reason, the straight WC-Co alloys are commonly used when machin-
ing steel where high speeds are impossible, for example on multi-spindle automatic machines
fed with small diameter bars.
7.7.2 A special note on machining titanium
Titanium is a high melting point metal and, in machining titanium at high speed, high temper-
atures are generated at the tool/work interface. When machining a titanium work material, there
is evidence that the tungsten in the tool diffuses less rapidly into the chip underside than does the
titanium in the mixed-crystal cubic carbides.
As a consequence, tools of the steel-cutting
grades of cemented carbide are worn more rapidly when machining titanium than are WC-Co
tools. The WC-Co tools are always used for machining titanium. This behavior demonstrates that
the superiority of the grades containing TiC and TaC in machining steel is not due to superior
resistance to abrasion but to their greater resistance to chemical attack at high temperature by the
work material (see also Chapter 9).
Steel-cutting grades of carbide which contain large percentages of TiC are difficult to braze
and were unpopular for this reason when brazed tools were the norm. With throw-away tool tips,
alloys with higher proportions of TiC could more readily be used and consideration was given to
tools based on TiC instead of WC, because of its resistance to diffusion wear in steel cutting.
Of all the cubic carbides, TiC has the most obvious potential. Titanium is a plentiful element
in the earth’s crust, the oxide TiO
is commercially available in purified form, and TiC can be
readily made by heating the oxide with carbon at temperatures about 2000°C. Cemented TiC
alloys can be made by a powder metallurgy process differing only in detail from that used for the