Other considerations on particle dynamics
50 50 30λ
, Garthe has obtained (with
510 cml
⋅ ,
1.7 10 gm =⋅ and
310 cmr =⋅ ) a rotation of 11 38 51
, the rotation observed experimentally being
11 37 40.8
(hence, a very good concordance). In Bucharest, at the latitude
45λ =°, one obtains 121854 sT ≅ 33 hours 50 min 54 s
34 hours
In the austral hemisphere, the ellipse is rotating in the sense east-north-west-south
Because the theoretical results obtained starting from the hypothesis of rotation of
the Earth about the poles’ axis are in good concordance with the experimental ones, we
can state that the Earth is indeed rotating about this axis; moreover, the universal
attraction law which has been put in evidence – at the beginning – for cosmic bodies,
extends its validity for the phenomena at the Earth surface too. We mention that an
observer localized in an inertial frame (e.g., a heliocentric frame) would see the
pendulum oscillating only in the same plane (assuming that the trajectory of the particle
with respect to the frame
Ωξ ξ is a segment of a line), the Earth being in rotation with
respect to this plane.
These conclusions have a particular importance for the knowledge of our planet and
put in evidence the interest presented by Foucault’s experiment. We must mention also
that the motion of rotation of the Earth has been stated by astronomical observations,
before this famous experiment; but Foucault’s study puts theoretically in evidence the
motion of the Earth, astronomical observations being no more necessary (which cannot
be made if, for instance, the Earth would be covered by a thick stratum of clouds, as
Venus, the only planet which is rotating about its axis from west to east).
3. Dynamics of the particle of variable mass
There exist bodies the mass of which is variable in time; it can decrease (e.g., the
mass of a rocket, which is acted upon by a propulsive force due to the ejection of an
explosive material – fine particles, gas, internal liquid – emission phenomenon) or
increase (e.g., a planet on which fine cosmic particles of a nebula encountered in its
way are falling – capture phenomenon). We may consider also other examples, as: an
aerostat which lifts by throwing down the ballast over the border, the splinting of a
device processed at the lathe etc. In the case in which such a body can be modelled as a
particles arises the problem to obtain the equation governing this motion and to
integrate it in various particular cases.
3.1 Mathematical model of the motion. General theorems
To can set up a mathematical model of motion of a particle of variable mass, hence
to find a law of motion which may be reduced to Newton’s equation in case of a
constant mass, we start from a classical mathematical model, corresponding to a
discrete mechanical system, the general theorems (especially, the theorem of
momentum) allowing then to establish the equation of motion which is governing the
considered mechanical phenomenon. We may then state the corresponding general
theorems, which extend those of the particle of constant mass.