Helmholtz, Hermann Ludwig Ferdinand von, 56,
Hemming, G., 751
Henneberg, 269
Henon, M., 751
Heraclit of Efes, 51
Herglotz, G., 751
Hermann, Jacob, 55
Hermite, Charles, 439
Herodotus, 51
Heron of Alexandria, 52
Hertz, Heinrich Rudolf, 56,177,588,751
Hilbert, David, 748
Hill, George William, 535
Hirsch, M.W., 751
Hlavaček, V., 751
Holden, A.V., 751
Holmes, P., 750
Hooke, Robert, 55
Horovka, J., 749
Hort, W., 751
Hospital, Guillaume Francis de l’, 55
Hunt, G.W., 761
Hurwitz, Adolf, 56
Huseyin, K., 751
Huygens, Christian, 55,158,159,160,434,751
Hypparchus of Rhodes, 52
Hypsicles of Alexandria, 52
Iacob, Andrei, 751
Iacob, Caius, 584,751
Iakovenko, G.N., 758
Ille, Vasile, 761
Ioachimescu, Andrei G., 751,752
Ionescu-Pallas, Nicolae, 752
Iooss, G., 746,752
Irimiciuc, Nicolae, 754
Irwin, M.C., 752
Isaacson, N., 752
Ishlinskiĭ, A.Yu., 752
Ivanov, I., 746
Jacobi, Carl Gustav Jacob, 56,752
Jammer, M., 752
Janssens, P., 752
Jansson, P.-A., 752
Jaunzemis, W., 752
Jeffreys, B.S., 752
Jeffreys, W., 752
Joannes Philiponus (Grammaticus) of
Alexandria, 53
Joos, G., 752
Jordan of Namur (Jordanus Nemorarius), 53
Joseph, D.D., 746,752
Jukovskiĭ, Nikolai Egorovich, 752
Julia, Gaston, 752
Jung, G., 752
Jurgen, H., 757
Kahan, Theo, 752
Kamerlingh Onnes, Heike, 658
Kamke, E., 752
Kantorovich, L.V., 752
Kapitaniak, T., 752
Kapli, D.M., 756
Kasner, E., 752
Katok, A., 752
Kauderer, H., 752
Kazarinoff, N.D., 751
Kármán, Theodor von, 752
Kästner, S., 752
Kecs, Wilhelm, 108,281,753
Keller, H.B., 752,753
Kellog, O.D., 753
Kelzon, A.S., 746
Kepler, Johannes, 54,55,72,543,544,562,564,
Khanukaev, Yu.I., 758
Kilchevski (Kilcevski), N.A., 753
Kirchhoff, Gustav Robert, 522,753
Kirpichev, Viktor L’vovich, 71,753
Kittel, Ch., 753
Klein, Felix, 56,753
Knight, W.D., 753
Kochin, Nikolaĭ Evgrafovich, 753
Koçak, H., 751
Koenig, Samuel, 55
Kolman, B., 759
Kooy, J.M.J., 753
Koppernigk, Niklas (Nicholaus Copernicus), 53
Koshlyakov, V.N., 753
Kosmodemyanskiĭ, A.A., 753
Kranz, C., 753
Krbek, F., 753
Krebs, Nikolaus (Nicolaus Cusanus), 53
Kron, G., 753
Kronecker, Leopold, 80,265,625
Krukowski, Sonya (Kovalevsky, Sophia;
Kovalevskaya, Sof’ya Vasil’evna), 56,753
Krylov, Vladimir Ivanovich, 752
Kuiper, G.P., 753
Kutterer, R.E., 753
Kuzimenkov, I.S., 757
Kuznetsov, Y.A., 753
Lagrange, Joseph-Louis, 34,56,83,138,186,219,
Lakhtin, L.M., 753
Laloy, M., 759
Lamb, H., 753
Lamé, Gabriel, 703
Lampariello, G., 754
Land, 157
Landau, Lev Davidovich, 754
Langevin, Paul, 410
Lantsosh, K., 754
Lapin, A.S., 686
Laplace, Pierre Simon de, 55,719,735,736