Newtonian theory of universal attraction
30 km/sv ≅ ). For the Moon, satellite of the Earth, we can make analogous
observations, the corresponding eccentricity being
; the point of the orbit
which is the closest to the Earth is called perigee, while the point which is the most
distant is called apogee.
Table 9.1
Planet e
Planet e
Planet e
Mercury 0.2056 Mars 0.0933 Uranus 0.0471
Venus 0.0068 Jupiter 0.0484 Neptune 0.00855
Earth 0.0167 Saturn 0.0558 Pluto 0.2486
During the time, it was stated, by astronomical observations, with perfectionate
instruments, that the theorems enounced above correspond to the reality only with a
certain approximation. For instance, by the above calculation, one has obtained a
immobile perihelion, while the observations put into evidence a displacement of this
point of the planetary orbit, displacement which is more sensible for a planet close to
the Sun, which has a great eccentricity; especially, Mercury has a secular displacement
43.5'' of its perihelion, which has been put in evidence in 1859 by U.-J.-J. Leverrier.
To eliminate the non-correspondence between the theory and the observation, an
improvement of the mathematical model of Newtonian attraction law has been
attempted, by introducing an additional term or an exponent other than 2 at the
denominator; as well, it has been admitted the existence of a planet not discovered yet.
In this order of ideas, Weber modelled the phenomenon by introducing a non-
conservative force of universal attraction of the form
=− +
FF, constc
but did not obtain satisfactory results concerning the deviation of Mercury’s perihelion.
Analogously, G. Armellini proposed a law of the form
rε=+FF, constε
, (9.2.18')
to may explain the existence of circular orbits. In both cases,
F is a force of Newtonian
attraction given by (9.1.7), (9.1.7'). But these non-concordances could be eliminated
only in the frame of a non-classical model of mechanics: the relativistic model.
Table 9.1, in which the planets are put in the order of the distances to the Sun. We
notice thus that, excepting Mercury and Pluto, the planets at the smallest and at the
greatest distance to the Sun, respectively, the other planets (the Earth included) have an
almost circular orbit; the closest to a circular is the orbit of Venus. The pericentre of the
orbit is called perihelion (denoted by
π ), while the apocentre is called aphelion
(denoted by
α ). Corresponding to the Theorem 9.2.2, a planet has the maximal velocity
at the perihelion and the minimal one at the aphelion; between those points the velocity
has a monotone variation. For instance, the Earth has the velocity
30.27 km/sv
the perihelion and the velocity
29.27 km/sv
at the aphelion (we take