is directed along the tangent to the trajectory). But Newton, using Kepler’s laws,
succeeded to set up the mathematical model of classical mechanics, deducing the
expression of the force of universal attraction too; these results (taking into account the
modality to obtain them, they may be considered as deriving from Kepler’s laws, the
latter ones being a mathematical model of mechanics) represent, in fact, the most
important contributions of Newton to the development of mechanics. In
contradistinction to Kepler’s model, the Newtonian one has a general character and may
be applied to all bodies of the real world.
Figure 9.1. Conics.
To can express mathematically Kepler’s laws, it is useful to introduce the equation of
an ellipse and – in general – the equation of a conic in polar co-ordinates. To do this,
we remember that a conic represents the locus of the points
P of a plane Π for which
the ratio of the distances to a fixed point
(called focus) and to a fixed straight
D Π∈ (called directrix), respectively, is constant (the respective constant,
denoted by
e , is called eccentricity) (Fig.9.1); if 01e
≤ , then the conic is an ellipse
0e = corresponds to a circle), if 1e
, then it is a parabola, while if 1e > , then it is
a hyperbola. The equation of the conic with respect to the focus
F is written in the
e θ
0p > is the conic parameter (the semilatus rectum).
Observing that the Sun is at the focus
F , while the planet of mass m is at the point
P , the forces which represent the action of one of the bodies upon the other one are
internal forces in the system formed by the two bodies, modelled as particles. Assuming
that the point
F is fixed (we consider the motion of the planet relative to this point),
the force
F which acts upon the planet is a central force. Because the trajectory of the
planet is an ellipse, it results that the point
F represents a position of stable
equilibrium, the force
F being directed towards this point. The law of areas leads also
to the conclusion that the force
F is a central one. Replacing r given by (9.1.1) in
Binet’s formula (8.1.8), we get
/FmCpr=− ; hence, the magnitude F of the force
is inverse-square to the distance between the Sun and the planet. As we have seen in
Chap. 5, Subsec. 1.1.4,
, where the area A is the measure of the surface
described by the radius vector; if that radius describes the whole ellipse, then, by
integrating on the interval
0,T , where T is the revolution time of the planet (the
time in which the whole ellipse is described), we obtain
2 ab CTπ
, where (6.1.57'')
has been taken into account (the area of the ellipse of semiaxes
a and b is abπ ).