Dynamics of the particle in a field of elastic forces
++= ,
Duffing’s equation (for the response to a harmonic excitation of mechanical systems
with non-linear elastic characteristics)
cosxxxcxq tαβ ω++ += , 0c ≥ ,
Mathieu’s equation (for a harmonic variation in time of the rigidity)
cos 0xtxωα ω++ = ,
and Hill’s equation (for the periodic variation in time of the rigidity)
cos 0
++ =
the study of these equations has put in evidence the most important non-linear
phenomena and the corresponding basic methods of solution.
In general, for a free vibratory motion is searched a periodic solution (if there exists
such a solution for the given initial conditions) and a study of its stability is made. In
case of forced vibrations, the form of the response curves of the mechanical system (the
relation between the amplitude and the frequency of the motion and the corresponding
characteristics of the perturbing force) is searched too. The non-linear vibrations are
non-isochronous, because the period
T depends on the amplitude. As well, besides the
problem of static stability, the problem of dynamic stability must be also considered.
We have seen that the response of a damped linear system on which acts a sinusoidal
perturbing force of pulsation
ω is a harmonic vibration, having the same pulsation; in
case of a non-linear system appear pulsations
nω , n
` , too, called also
superharmonics (multiples of the excitation pulsation) or even pulsations
/nω ,
n ∈ ` , called subharmonics (submultiples of the excitation pulsation). In case of the
action of two independent perturbing forces upon a non-linear system, one can no more
use the principle of superposition of effects; by the superposition of two distinct
excitations, appears an interaction between the oscillations which arise, leading to the
phenomenon of asynchronous suppression (if each of the independent vibrations is
stable, then one of the motions destroys the stability conditions of the other one), to the
phenomenon of asynchronous excitation (one of the independent vibrations is labile,
the other one being stable and creating the conditions that the first one become stable
too) or to the phenomenon of carrying the pulsations (if the independent vibrations
have close pulsations which, in a certain zone of values, synchronize).
2.2.14 Computation methods
The problems which arise in the study of non-linear oscillations are difficult, so that
their solution needs specific methods of computation, especially approximate ones. We
have thus presented in Chap. 7, Subsec. 2.3.4 topological methods of computation in