which contains also the piercing point of other three directions; the case in which three
directions are coplanar, the plane containing also the piercing point of other two
directions; the case in which five directions are in two planes, their intersection of
which is coplanar with the sixth direction; the case in which all the six directions are in
parallel planes. These results may be easily verified. We consider that a thorough
examination of the supporting system is very important, to can avoid the critical cases.
If the supporting is correct, then the six unknown reactions may be determined by a
system of six scalar equations with six unknowns; in some particular case, one can
make various observations, simplifying thus the computation. The condition (4.2.51') is
only a necessary condition of geometric non-deformability; besides this condition, one
must verify if the articulated system is not a critical form. In this case, to very small
variations of the lengths of the bars correspond very great displacements of the nodes;
expressing the conditions of equilibrium on the deformed form of the articulated
system, to an arbitrary loading may correspond very great values of the efforts in bars
or some particular load may lead to indeterminate efforts.
The efforts in the members of the articulated system are given by a system of
equations with
3n unknowns (the equations of equilibrium in each node), so that the
condition of non-deformability of such a system is given by
≠ , (4.2.52)
Δ is the determinant of the coefficients of the system of equations.
Because it is rather difficult to express such conditions for a great
n , in particular
cases one may use some special methods of investigation. Thus, if no one force is
applied at the nodes (hence, if one applies null loads), then all the free terms of the
system of equations vanish and, if we take into account the condition (4.2.52), the
system has only zero solutions. Hence, in the method of null loading, if one succeeds to
show that, for zero loads at the nodes, all the efforts in the bars vanish, then it follows
that the articulated system is not a critical form; otherwise, this system is a critical form.
On the other hand, the relation (4.2.51') ensures us that the articulated system is
statically determinate; if
3bs n
< , then the system is a mechanism, while if
3bs n+> , then the system is statically indeterminate. If we have 6s = in the
relation (4.2.51'), then the system is a free articulated system, the geometric non-
deformability of which does not depend on the constraints.
Besides the simple articulated systems, we mention also the compound articulated
systems, obtained by the composition of various simple systems with the aid of some
bars of connection. The complex articulated systems are those which cannot be reduced
to simple articulated ones.
An important case is that of articulated spatial systems which form a polyhedron
without internal diagonals. One may thus use polyhedra the faces of which are
constituted by plane trusses, their nodes being on the edges of the polyhedra. We notice
that the conditions of geometric non-deformability are fulfilled. To prove this assertion,
we start from Euler’s relation
2mn f
=−, (4.2.53)