contained in this plane and which is not normal to the plane of the other two axes. If the
above mentioned conditions are not fulfilled, then one of the scalar equations is a linear
consequence of the other two ones.
Corresponding to the results in Chap. 2, Subsec. 2.2.7, in the case of a system of
parallel forces, one can use for the resultant an equation of projection on the common
direction of the forces and one may write two equations of moment with respect to two
non-parallel axes, normal to this direction; we can use also three equations of moment
about three non-concurrent and non-parallel axes, contained in a plane normal to the
direction of the forces.
1,2,...,6n =
, then one can put into evidence some necessary conditions of
equilibrium of the free rigid solid, which must be verified a priori and which depend on
the geometric configuration of the given system of forces. So, a system formed of only
one non-zero force cannot be in equilibrium. A system of two forces can be in
equilibrium only if the forces have the same support; as well, a system of three forces is
in equilibrium only if their supports are concurrent or parallel and coplanar. For
4n =
it is necessary that the supports belong to the same linear series of straight lines (e.g.,
generatrices of the same family of a ruled quadric – in particular, concurrent or parallel)
to be in equilibrium. A necessary condition of equilibrium for
is the belonging
of the supports of the forces to the same congruence of the first degree (for instance,
they intersect two straight lines or they intersect a straight line and are parallel to a
plane). A system of six forces is in equilibrium (necessary condition) if their supports
belong to the same complex of first degree (e.g., an intersection with the same straight
line or the parallelism to a same plane).
In the first basic problem, the forces which act upon the free rigid solid are
given, and one asks the position of equilibrium. As we have seen in Chap. 3,
Subsec. 2.2.3, a free rigid solid has six degrees of freedom; in this case, the
unknowns are the six parameters (eventually, the co-ordinates of a point of the rigid
solid and the three Euler’s angles), which specify the position of the rigid solid. If
the system of six equations of equilibrium is indeterminate, then there exists an
infinity of possible positions of equilibrium, while if this system of equations is
impossible, then such a position does not exist. These observations may be put in
connection with the considerations previously made, concerning the cases in which
one cannot have equilibrium or in which some necessary conditions of equilibrium
have been emphasized.
The second basic problem is that in which the position of equilibrium of the free
rigid solid is given, and the forces which must act upon it to maintain this position are
searched; obviously, one supposes that this system of forces depends on a certain
number parameters, which are the unknowns of the problem (the magnitudes and the
directions of the forces). The solution of the problem is, in general, indeterminate; if
certain conditions, which limit the number of the unknowns to six, are imposed, then it
is possible that the solution of the problem be determinate.
We mention the mixed basic problem too, in which the position of equilibrium of the
rigid solid is partially known, as well as the system of forces; in this case, the position
of equilibrium and the system of forces are searched.