too, corresponding to the conditions verified by the sides of a triangle (the polygon of
the forces
G ,
T and
T ); otherwise, the equilibrium is impossible, and the particle
cannot remain at rest. The position of equilibrium depends, obviously, on the position
of the pulleys
S and
S ; for instance, if the pulleys
S and
S are on the same
horizontal, then the conditions which must take place become
0 GQQ<+−
21 2
02GQQ GQ<+−< .
The intervening threads do not introduce any restriction of geometric nature so that
the above considered problem is that of a free particle. If the particle would be linked
by one of the threads (considered inextensible) to a fixed point (a ring), then it should
be on a circle, the centre of which is at this fixed point (Fig.4.2,b).
1.1.2 The constraint particle
If a particle P is subjected to constraints, which will be considered scleronomic,
then the latter ones have an influence on the conditions of equilibrium, hence on the
position of rest, diminishing the number of degrees of freedom of the particle. As it was
shown in Chap. 3, Subsec. 2.2.1, the axiom of liberation from constraints (the axiom of
liberation, the axiom of constraints, the axiom of constraint forces) allows us to replace
these constraints by constraint forces (reactions); in this case, the particle
P may be
considered to be a free particle, subjected to the action of the given as well as of the
constraint forces, so that one can use the considerations of the previous subsection. If
R is the constraint force applied to the particle P (in fact, the resultant of all
constraint forces acting upon this particle), which is subjected also to the action of the
system of given forces
F , 1,2,...,in
, then the necessary and sufficient condition of
equilibrium (of rest with respect to a given frame of reference) is of the form (Fig.4.1,b)
=FR 0
or, in components, of the form
= , 1, 2, 3j
. (4.1.4')
In the case in which the given and the constraint forces are coplanar, only two scalar
conditions must be fulfilled, while if these forces have the same support, then only one
scalar condition remains.
The unknowns of the problem are of two kinds: unknowns corresponding to the
parameters which specify the position of equilibrium and unknowns which
determine the constraint force (the basic problem is thus a mixed one); some
conditions which must be verified by the given forces so as the particle be at rest
with respect to a given frame of reference there arise. If no condition is imposed to
the constraint force, then the problem is indeterminate (the number of the
components of the constraint force is equal to the number of the equations of
equilibrium, but there intervene also the parameters specifying the position of
equilibrium), excepting the case in which the particle is constrained to be at a
certain fixed position in the space; in the latter case, we have