К.Л. Сыроежкин
Казахстан – Китай: от приграничной торговли к стратегическому партнерству
Information about the Kazakhstan Institute
for strategic studies under
the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan
The Ka�a�h��an In��i�u�e for S�ra�egic S�udie� under �he Pre�i-
den� of �he �e�u�lic of Ka�a�h��an (Ka�ISS) wa� e��a�li�hed on
June 16, 1993 �y �he Decree of �he Pre�iden� of �he �e�u�lic of
Since �he �o�en� of i�� founda�ion �he �ain �i��ion of �he Ka-
�a�h��an In��i�u�e for S�ra�egic S�udie� under �he Pre�iden� of �he
�e�u�lic of Ka�a�h��an a� �he na�ional �cien�ic re�earch in��i�u�ion
i� �ro�iding �he ac�i�i�y of �he Pre�iden� of Ka�a�h��an and go�erning
�odie� of �he coun�ry wi�h �cien�ic and analy�ical �ac�ground.
The Ka�ISS ha� �eco�e a high �rofe��ional �cien�ic-analy�ical
cen�er. A� �re�en�, nine doc�or� of �cience�, ele�en candida�e� of
�cience�, ��eciali��� in �oli�ical �cience�, hi��orian�, econo�i��� and
�ociologi��� wor� in �hi� In��i�u�e.
During �he �eriod of �he Ka�ISS ac�i�i�y, �he In��i�u�e’� ex�er��
ha�e �u�li�hed �ore �han 150 �oo�� on in�erna�ional rela�ion�,
�ro�le�� of glo�al and regional �ecuri�y. The In��i�u�e i� �u�li�hing
four journal�: “Koga� jane Dayir” (in Ka�a�h), “Ka�a�h��an- S�ec-
�ru�”, “Analy�ic” (in �u��ian), “Cen�ral A�ia’� Affair�” (in Engli�h).
Scien�ic-analy�ical journal “Koga� �hane Dayir”, �cien�ic journal
“Ka�a�h��an-S�ec�ru�” and infor�a�ion-analy�ical journal “Ana-
ly�ic” are included in �he li�� of �cien�ic edi�ion� of �he Co��i��ee
for Con�rol in �he S�here of Educa�ion and Science of �he �e�u�lic
of Ka�a�h��an of �he Mini��ry of Educa�ion and Science of �he �e-
�u�lic of Ka�a�h��an for �u�lica�ion of �ri�ary �cien�ic re�ul�� of
The Ka�ISS ha� a we��i�e �ha� offer� infor�a�ion in �hree lan-
guage� — Ka�a�h, �u��ian and Engli�h. A�ou� 348 670 u�er� on
a�erage �urf �he Ka�ISS we��i�e each year, and �ore �han a half of
�he� are fro� �he coun�rie� of near and far-a�road.