College Algebra: Concepts and Contexts
James Stewart, Lothar Redlin, Saleem Watson,
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Cover Images: giant trees (Cate Frost/Shutterstock.com
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.com 2009); church (Vladislav Gurfinkel/Shutterstock
.com 2009); student in chemistry lab (Laurence
Gough/Shutterstock 2009); five skydivers performing
formations (Joggie Botma/Shutterstock.com 2009);
Shanghai at sunset (David Roos/Shutterstock.com 2009);
combine harvester working on wheat crop (Stephen
Mcsweeny/Shutterstock.com 2009); howler monkeys
(Christopher Marin/ Shutterstock. com 2009); family
making sand castle (Magdalena Bujak/ Shutterstock.com
2009); Easter Island (Vladimir Korostyshevskiy/
Shutterstock.com 2009); giardia (Sebastian
Kaulitzki/Shutterstock.com 2009); female in handcuffs
(Jack Dagley Photography/Shutterstock.com 2009); red
eye tree frog (Luis Louro/Shutterstock.com 2009);
humpback whale (Josef78/Shutterstock.com 2009);
businessman in car (Vladimir Mucibabic/Shutterstock.com
2009); origami birds (Slash331/Shutterstock.com 2009);
pine forest (James Thew/Shutterstock.com 2009); house
finch (Steve Byland/Shutterstock.com 2009); mother with
baby (Lev Dolgachov/Shutterstock.com 2009); bacteria
(Tischenko Irina/Shutterstock.com 2009);
Dos Amigos
pumping plant (Aaron Kohr/Shutterstock.com 2009);
polar bears (Keith Levit/Shutterstock.com 2009);
combine harvester (Orientaly/Shutterstock.com 2009);
streptococcus (Sebastian Kaulitzki/Shutterstock.com
2009); jumping girl (Studio1One/Shutterstock.com
2009); traffic (Manfred Steinbach/Shutterstock.com
2009); hybrid car (Jonathan Larsen/Shutterstock.com
2009); woman driving car (Kristian Sekulic/Shutterstock
.com 2009); woman hiding money under mattress
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