of absolute value function, 70
of circle, T76, T83–T84
of exponential functions, 286–95,
of family of linear equations, 177–78,
finding domain and range of function
from, 77–78
finding exponential function from,
finding linear functions from, 160–61
finding local maximum and minimum
values from, 79–81
finding values of function from, 75–76
of function, 41–43, 64–88
of function, finding values of its
inverse from, 380
of function, reading, 74–76
of general linear equation, 172–73
horizontal shifts of, 416–18
of increasing and decreasing functions,
of inequalities, T8
intercepts, finding, T75. See also
x-intercepts; y-intercepts
intersection points on, 68, 76
of intervals, T9, T10
of inverse square function, 530
of linear function, 155
of logarithmic functions, 328–30,
misleading, 128–30
of model, getting information from,
of natural exponential functions, 352
of parallel lines, 179, 180
of piecewise defined functions, 68–70
of polynomial function, 505–8
of power functions, 495
of quadratic functions, 432–34,
rates of change and shapes of, 230–33
of rational functions, 536–37, 539–41
reading, 16–17, 138–39, 473–75
of reciprocal function, 527–28
reflecting, 419–22, 495
of root functions, 497, 498
scatter plot, 14, 519
semi-log, 407–9, 518, 519
shifting, 414–18, 495
solving a polynomial equation
graphically, 511
of squaring function, 432
stretching and shrinking, vertically,
418–19, 495
of system of two linear equations in
two variables, 571–72
transformations of function and,
414–27, 495
two-variable data in coordinate plane,
14–16, T67–T68
of two-variable equations, T72–T75
verbal description from, 75
vertical shifts, 414–15, 417–18
Graphical addition of functions,
485–86, 505
Graphical division, 536
Graphical method of finding intersection
points of linear functions, 211
Graphical method of solving equations,
equation in an interval, T88
inequalities, T88–T89
quadratic equations, T87
Graphical subtraction of functions,
Graphing calculator, T80–T85
avoiding extraneous lines, T82–T83
choosing viewing rectangle, T80–T82
CubicReg command on, 521
exponential function, 296
family of exponential functions, 289
graphing circle on, T83–T84
graphing functions with, 67–68
logistic growth function, 278, 297–98
LOG key, 338
multiplying matrices on, 614–15
PwrReg command, 517, 519
QuadReg command on, 462, 463
two graphs on same screen, T82
Xmin and Xmax command, T81
Ymin and Ymax command, T81
Gravitation, Newton’s Law of, 535
Gravitational force
between moon and astronaut in space
ship, 73
Newton’s formula for, 104, 107
Greater than symbol (>), T7
Grimshaw, John, 34
Grouping, factoring by, T37
attenuated, 398
exponential. See Exponential growth
linear model of, 156–57
logistic, 272, 276–78, 297–98
Growth factor, 249–51, 252
changing time period and, 262–65
Growth rate, 251–52
annual percentage yield, 266
changing time period and, 262–65
comparing, 264
instantaneous, 355–64
percentage rate of change,
272–75, 297
Half-life, 254, 264
Hanselman sextuplets, weights of, 8
Hare and tortoise race, modeling, 210–11
Health-care expenditures, U.S., 301
Heat transfer coefficient, 370
age and, 5–6
of box, 106–7
femur length and, 197
Hidden variable, 239–42
Highway engineering, 80–81
Home sales in United States, 492
Hooker, Steven, 194
Hooke’s Law, 188–89
Horizontal asymptote, 287, 288, 528,
540, 541
Horizontal lines, 171–72
Horizontal Line Test, 384–85
Horizontal shifts of graphs, 416–18
combining vertical shifts and, 417–18
House, median price of, 4–5
“Housing bubble,” bursting of U.S.,
Howler monkeys, modeling population
of, 637–39
Hybrid car sales, 22, 302
Hydrogen ion concentration, pH scale
and, 344
“Iceman” of Neolithic Age, radiocarbon
dating of, 372
Identity function, 66
Identity matrix, 619
Image of x under f, 53
Income, average and median, 3–4
Inconsistent system, 571, 572, 582–84,
Increasing functions, 78–79
Independent variable, 37–38, 54
cell phone usage in, 363
population of, 270, 392
Inequalities, T62–T66
graphing, T8
linear, solving, T63
nonlinear, solving, T63–T65
operations on, T62
order on real line and, T7–T8
reversing direction of, T62
solving, graphically, T88–T89