Carbon dioxide levels in atmosphere, 197
Carrying capacity
in logistic growth model, 277, 298
of road, 80–81, 560–63
of road, safe following distance and,
560, 561–62
of road, using braking distance to find
maximum, 562–63
Car sales, hybrid, 22, 302
Cartesian plane. See Coordinate plane
Catching up with leader on bike ride,
Categorical data, 602–11
collecting, 635
getting information from, 615–16
organizing, in matrix, 603–5, 636–37
proportions and, 604–5
tabulating, 604
Catfish, stocking pond with, 298
correlation and, 239–42
direction of, 242
Cell phone plan, 57
Cell phone usage in India, 363
Central tendency, 2
measures of, 2, 3, 4
Change, describing. See Function(s)
Change of base formula, 337–39
China, Internet usage in, 363
Chirping rate of crickets, temperature
and, 198, 208
Chocolate-powered car, 34
Chord, 412
Christmas bird count, 22
Circle(s), T76–T77
equation of, identifying, T77
equation of, standard form of, T76–T77
graphing, T76
graphing, on graphing calculator,
Closed interval, T9
Coefficient(s), 177–82
constant, 177–80
correlation, 195
heat transfer, 370
of x, 177, 180–82
Coefficient matrix, 621
Colony-forming units, 356
Columbia-Ecuador earthquake
(1906), 346
Columns (matrix), 590
Combining “like terms,” T26, T30
Combining logarithmic expressions, 336
Common factors
canceling, T39
factoring out, T33–T34
Common logarithms, 324–26
Common redpoll, wintering habits of, 25
Commutative properties, T2
Completing the square, T57–T59
defined, T58
to express quadratic function in
standard form, 431
for general quadratic function, 440
solving quadratic equations by,
Composite functions. See Composition
of functions
Composition of functions, 377–79
Compound fraction form of rational
function, 539
Compound interest, 265–66
calculating annual percentage
yield, 266
comparing yields for different
compounding periods, 266
continuously compounded, 354–55
formula, 265
investment growth and, 369
Concentration, mixtures and, 204–5
Conjugate radical, T42
of proportionality, 183, 496, 529, 557
spring, 188–89
universal gravitational, 104
Constant coefficient, 177
varying, 177–80
Constant function, 65
Constant rate of change, 153–65
linear model of, 156–57
Continuously compounded interest,
Cooling, Newton’s Law of, 370–71, 375,
399, 427
Cooling coffee, 41
Coordinate, T7
Coordinate line. See Real number line
(real line)
Coordinate plane, T67–T68, T71
distance between points on, T68–T69
graphing points and sets in, T68
graphing two-variable data in, 14–16
midpoint of line segment on, T69–T70
Correlation, causation and, 239–42
Correlation coefficient, 195
fixed, 26
model for, 89–90
unit, 26, 27
Cost comparison of gas-powered and
hybrid-electric cars, 212–13
Coughing, mathematical model of, 88
Coupon bonds, 309
Crime scene investigation, 364
Newton’s Law of Cooling and, 371
Crop yield
density (plants/acre) and, 465
rainfall and, 465
Cross-tab matrix, 603, 636
Crude oil imports in U.S., 493
Cube root function, 498
Data, 2–11. See also Modeling
analyzing, 136–37, 239
bias in presenting, 128–33
categorical. See Categorical data
collecting, 134–36, 238, 476–77
describing relationships in, 25–35
exponential, recognizing, 316–17
fitting exponential curves to, 274–75,
fitting polynomial curves to, 520–22
fitting power curves to, 517–18, 519–20
linear, recognizing, 233–37
linearizing, 408–9
log-log plot of, 518, 519
numerical, 602
one-variable, 2–5, 136–37
quadratic, recognizing, 478–79
scatter plot of, 14, 518, 519
semi-log plot of, 407–9, 518, 519
two-variable, 5–7, 13, 14–16,
37–38, 137
visualizing relationships in, 12–25
Data mining, 233
Dating, radiocarbon, 371–72
Dead Sea Scrolls, 376
Death in United States, leading causes of,
Decay factor, 253, 264
Decay rate, 253
instantaneous, 355–64
Decibel scale, 344–45
Decreasing functions, 78–79
Deforestation, paper usage and, 90–91
Degree of polynomial, 504
Demand, linear model for 170–71
Demand equation, 171, 214, 218
Demographics, life expectancy and, 23
least common (LCD), T41
rationalizing the, T42
Dependent system, 571, 582–84, 596–98
Dependent variable, 37–38, 54
net change in, 38
Depreciation, straight-line, 176
Depth and pressure, 6–7, 14–15, 26
model for, 29–30