Explorations Each chapter contains several Explorations designed to guide stu-
dents to discover an algebra concept. These can be used as in-class group activities
and can be assigned at any time during the teaching of a chapter; some of the explo-
rations can serve as an introduction to the ideas of a chapter (the Instructor’s Guide
gives additional suggestions on using the explorations).
Instructor’s Guide The Instructor’s Guide, written by Professor Lynelle Weldon
(Andrews University), contains a wealth of suggestions on how to teach each sec-
tion, including key points to stress, questions to ask students, homework exercises to
assign, and many imaginative classroom activities that are sure to interest students
and bring key concepts to life.
Study Guide A Study Guide written by Professor Florence Newberger (Califor-
nia State University, Long Beach) is available to students. This unique study guide
literally guides students through the text, explaining how to read and understand the
examples and, in general, teaches students how to read mathematics. The guide pro-
vides step-by-step solutions to many of the exercises in the text that are linked to the
examples (the pencil icon in the text identifies these exercises).
Enhanced WebAssign (EWA) This is a web-based homework system that allows
instructors to assign, collect, grade, and record homework assignments online. EWA
allows for several options to help students learn, including links to relevant sections
in the text, worked-out solutions, and video instruction for most exercises. The ex-
ercises available in EWA are listed in the Instructor’s Guide.
First and foremost, we thank the instructors at Mercer County Community College
who urged us to write this book and who met with us to share their thoughts about
the need for change in the college algebra course: Don Reichman, Mary Hayes, Paul
Renato Toppo, Daniel Rose, and Daniel Guttierez.
We thank the following reviewers for their thoughtful and constructive comments:
Ahmad Kamalvand, Huston-Tillotson University; Alison Becker-Moses, Mercer
County Community College; April Strom, Scottsdale Community College; Derron
Rafiq Coles, Oregon State University; Diana M. Zych, Erie Community
College–North Campus; Ingrid Peterson, University of Kansas; James Gray,
Tacoma Community College; Janet Wyatt, Metropolitan Community
College–Longview; Judy Smalling, St. Petersburg College; Lee A. Seltzer, Jr.,
Florida Community College at Jacksonville; Lynelle Weldon, Andrews University;
Marlene Kusteski, Virginia Commonwealth University; Miguel Montanez, Miami
Dade Wolfson; Rhonda Nordstrom Hull, Clackamas Community College; Rich
West, Francis Marion University; Sandra Poinsett, College of Southern Maryland;
Semra Kilic-Bahi, Colby Sawyer College; Sergio Loch, Grand View University;
Stephen J. Nicoloff, Paradise Valley Community College; Susan Howell, University
of Southern Mississippi; Wendiann Sethi, Seton Hall University.
We are grateful to our colleagues who continually share with us their insights into
teaching mathematics. We especially thank Lynelle Weldon for writing the Instruc-
tor’s Guide and Florence Newberger for writing the Study Guide that accompanies
this book. We thank Blaise DeSesa at Penn State Abington for reading the entire