Data, Functions, and Models
1.1 Making Sense of Data
Analyzing One-Variable Data
Analyzing Two-Variable Data
IN THIS SECTION… we learn about one-variable and two-variable data and the
different questions we can ask and answer about the data.
From the first few minutes of life our brains are exposed to large amounts of data,
and we must process and use the data to our advantage—sometimes even for our
very survival. For example, after several small falls, a child begins to process the
“falling down” data and concludes that the farther he falls, the more it hurts. The
child sees the trend and reasons that “if I fall from a very great height, I’ll be so
badly hurt I may not survive.” So as the child comes close to the edge of a 100-foot
cliff for the first time, he’s cautious of the height. Although the cliff is a new expe-
rience, the child is able to predict what would happen on the basis of the data he al-
ready knows. Fortunately, a child doesn’t need to experience a 100-foot fall to know
the probable result!
In general, in trying to understand the world around us, we make measurements
and collect data. For example, a pediatrician may collect data on the heights of chil-
dren at different ages, a scientist may collect data on water pressure in the ocean at dif-
ferent depths, or the weather section of your local newspaper may publish data on the
temperature at different times of the day. Massive amounts of data are posted each day
on the Internet and made available for research. In general, data are simply huge lists
of numbers. To make sense of all these numbers, we need to look for patterns or trends
in the data. Algebra can help us find and accurately describe hidden patterns in data.
In this section we begin our study of data by looking at some of their basic properties.
■ Analyzing One-Variable Data
The ages of children in a certain group of preschoolers are
This list is an example of one-variable data—only one varying quantity (age) is
listed. One way to make sense of all these numbers is find a “typical” number for the
data or the “center” of the data. Any such number is called a measure of central ten-
dency. One such number is the average (or mean) of the data. The average is sim-
ply the sum of the numbers divided by how many there are.
2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 5
The average of a list of n numbers is their sum, divided by n.
For example, if your scores on five tests are 50, 58, 78, 81, and 93, then your aver-
age test score is
50 + 58 + 78 + 81 + 93
= 72