was, according to Strangford, achieved by the power of diplomatic inter-
course rather than the menaces of Smith’s Royal Navy squadron.
With Strangford’s view now in the public domain, Napier reasserted
his original attacks. Strangford responded with Further Observations on
Some Passages in Lieut-Col. Napier’s History of the Peninsular War also pub-
lished in 1828. He reasserted the contentious despatch ‘was, as far as
manual operation was concerned, undoubtedly written in Bruton-street,
but I repeat, that it was a mere compilation and arrangement of my origi-
nal dispatches, all and every one of which were written and dated on
board the Hibernia’. It was rewritten ‘under the special directions of the Secre-
tary of State – that it contained nothing that was not contained in them’.
Napier then reasserted the Moniteur declaration and Smith’s letter
caused the emigration.
Strangford argued there was no allusion ‘to the
House of Braganza in the Moniteur of the 2d of November’. He drew atten-
tion to the ‘minor and scarcely official paper, the Journal de l’Empire, of
the 31
October’ in which appeared ‘some remarks on His Majesty’s decla-
ration relative to the Copenhagen Expedition. In this long paper, which
was copied into the Moniteur of the 1
of November, there is the fol-
lowing passage, describing the supposed fatal policy of England towards
her allies. “England would have lost (or ruined) Denmark, if that court
had yielded to fear. It is thus that she will have lost (or ruined) Portugal,
and that the House of Braganza, IF it makes common cause with Eng-
land, WILL HAVE ceased to reign.”’
In fact these demands by Napoleon
had been known in Lisbon on 23 October, when news arrived of Napo-
leon’s outbursts at the diplomatic levee in Paris.
Napier was convinced more praise should have gone to Smith for
offering assistance while threatening menace if the convention was not
implemented. He now concluded praise for the success should be split
three ways between Strangford, Smith and the declaration in the Paris
Moniteur. In the end the Regent behaved as he always said he would and
fled to Brazil with his fleet. One recent commentator has perceptively
noted with ‘consummate skill, Dom João had played the weak hand that
fate had dealt him’.
While another concluded neither Smith or Strang-
ford ‘played the decisive part in bringing about the final decision. This
was left to Junot’s troops’.
By examining the movements and correspondence of Smith and
Strangford from 24 to 29 November a clear picture of Strangford’s in-
volvement emerges. According to Smith, Strangford remained with the
squadron blockading the Tagus until Smith received Araujo’s reply, dated