commands a fleet off the Tagus 48, 55–7
instructions to (1806) 51–3, 54, 56
ordered to protect the Queen of Portugal
Araujo wants him to leave Lisbon 61–2
‘moderate conduct’ 62
San Ildefonso, Treaty of (1777) 210, 243
San Josef 62
Satarro, Miguel 47, 191, 192, 216, 218
Saumarez, Rear Admiral Sir James 177,
195, 244
Scout 44
Second Coalition xiii, 244
Seid el Badar 247
Selaphael 247
Seniavin, Vice Admiral Dmitri 25, 105–6,
158–61, 171, 179–83, 185, 186, 188, 190,
192, 193, 194, 216, 217, 219, 224–5, 230,
Seven Years War (1756-63) 30, 210
Shannon 172
Sheridan, Richard 18
Shipley, Captain Conway 194
Sicily 161–2, 177–8, 261
Sidmouth, Viscount (later Lord Holland)
Silnoi 247
Silnyi 225
Simcoe, General John Graves 53, 55–8, 76
Skeltin, Captain 247
Skoroi 247
Slessor, Harriet 118–19, 147–8, 194
Smith, Captain 188, 215–16
Smith, Lieutenant G S 167
Smith, Rear Admiral Sir Sidney 248, 249
expedition to Lisbon 137–52
battle fleet 157
finds part of Russian fleet 159–60
ordered to seize Russian ships 163, 179–
resolution of the Portuguese crisis 164–7
embarkation of Portuguese Royal Family
168–9, 172, 250–59
ignores orders 180, 181
sent to Brazil 198–9, 209–212
and Sir John Moore 260–62
Society of West India Merchants 14
Solebay 139, 143
Solis, Don Sebastian 217
Sousa, Dom Rodrigo de 56, 61, 64, 69, 72,
78, 114–15, 117, 118, 119, 133–4, 136,
142, 152, 153, 183, 198, 206, 207, 208,
210, 251
Sousa Coutinho, Rodrigo de 208, 211
South America 231–8
a key region for expanding British com-
merce (1806-1808) 83, 85
reasons for projects being shelved 84
French threat to 85–8
Talents’ fundamentally flawed strategy
major overseas possessions in South
America 8, 44
Britain attacks colonies and trade 17
declares war after British seize a Spanish
treasure fleet (1804) 27, 44, 83, 84
Franco-Spanish problems 68–72
mobilisation 78–9
Charles IV’s abdication 214
Napoleon takes over the throne 214
uprising against French occupation 212,
214–20, 234
Spanish Armada (1588) 6
Spanish Empire 44, 99–100, 197, 232, 237
Spanish Latin America 83
Spanish South America 85
Spencer, Major General Brent 144, 161,
178, 179, 189–90, 215, 218, 222, 223
Spencer, George John, 2nd Earl 21, 74,
Spitzbergen 247
Stewart, Lieutenant Colonel Robert 245
Stirling, Rear Admiral 89
Strangford, Percy Clinton Sidney Smythe,
6th Viscount
Irish peer and poet 44
criticism of 44–5
and Portuguese appeasement 46
and secret supply system 47
reports from Portugal 48
works with Gambier 50
as a junior diplomat 53
and intelligence 69–70
presses the Portuguese to improve the
country’s defences 77–8
told of Spanish mobilisation 78
confers with Araujo (1807) 81, 117, 134,
tries to get the Portuguese to flee Brazil
the Brazil mission 198, 203–4, 209, 210
Portuguese Royal Family embarkation