Radiosondes are launched twice daily around the world, at 0000 Universal Time,
Coordinated (UTC), also known as Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) or Zulu time (Z),
and 1200 UTC. While the data from radiosondes are available only twice daily, when
the data is plotted on a thermodynamic diagram, they can be used to study potential
changes in the atmosphere. Thermodynamic diagrams can be used to examine the
potential warmth of the atmosphere near the surface during the day, the potential
cooling of temperature at night, and the potential for fog. The potential for cloudiness
can be found due to the movements induced by approaching or withdrawing weather
systems or by the development of unstable rising air parcels. When the vertical
thermodynamic structure is combined with the vertical wind stru cture, information
on the structure, and severity of possible cumulus clouds can be ascertained. The
sounding can also describe the potential for local circulations such as sea breezes,
lake effect snow, downslope windstorms, and upslope clouds and precipitation.
An atmospheric sounding plotted on a thermodynamic diagram is one of the most
powerful diagnostic tools available to meteorologists. The applications of the ther-
modynamic diagrams are far too many to be adequately c overed in this discussion.
This discussion will focus on some of the basic interpretive concepts that can be
applied generally to atmospheric soundings plotted on thermodynamic diagrams.
Environmental Structure of the Atmosphere
The sounding plotted on a thermodynamic diagram represents a particular atmo-
spheric state. The state may be observed by radiosonde, satellite derived, or fore-
casted by a computer atmospheric numerical model. The data plotted on the diagram
represent the temperature and dew-point temperature at various pressure levels
throughout the atmosphere. Individual observations are plotted, and then the
points are connected forming the dew point and temperature curves. The dew-
point temperature is always less than or equal to the temperature for any given
pressure level. The plotted curves represent the environmental temperature and
dew-point temperature, as a function of pressure.
The environmental temperature and dew-point temperature curves will divulge
much information to a well-trained observer who can deduce where the sounding is
from, as well as identify air masses and the processes involved in their formation.
Air masses originate from specific source regions and carry the characteristics of that
source region.
Arctic Air Mass Air masses that originate near one of the poles have a nearly
isothermal temperature profile. In the polar regions, the main process driving the
temperature profile is radiational cooling. Light winds allow very little vertical
mixing of the air. When coupled with the lack of solar radiation for much of the
year, radiational cooling of the surface is the remaining process. Initially the air near
Earth’s surface cools faster. The rate at which energy is emitted is dependent on
temperature to the fourth power (Stefan–Boltzmann equation), and therefore the
warmer air above will then cool faster than the colder air at the surface. This results
in the atmosphere moving toward a constant temperature, and this result is