lapse rates) in the atmosphere, a parcel may have multiple levels of free convection.
When using the LFC to determine how much lif ting or vertica l motion is needed to
produce free convection, the LFC at the lowest pressure level (highest above the
ground) is typically used.
Equilibrium Level (EL) The equilibrium level is the level at which a parcel
buoyant relative to the environment is no longer buoyant. At the equilibrium level,
the parcel and the environment have the same temperature. If a parcel rises above the
equilibrium level, it will become colder than the environment and thus negatively
buoyant. To determine the EL, follow the parcel path from the LFC until it intersects
the environmental temperature (Fig. 6). Often the equilibrium level will be found
near the beginning of the tropopause. The tropopause is isothermal in nature and
thus very stable. On a sounding with multiple levels of free convection, there will
also be multiple equilibrium levels. In an extremely stable environment, with no
level of free convection, there will also be no equilibrium level. It is noteworthy to
mention that while the equilibrium level represents where a parcel is no longer
positively buoyant, it does not mean the parcel cannot continue rising. Above the
equilibrium level, while the parcel is negatively buoyant, a parcel that reaches this
level will have a certain amount of kinetic energy due to its vertical motion. This
kinetic energy will allow the parcel to continue rising until the energy associated
with the negative buoyancy balances the kinetic energy.
Convective Condensation Level (CCL) The convective condensation level
can be used as a proxy for the level at which the base of convective clouds will
begin. The CCL differs from the LCL in that the LCL assumes some sort of lifting,
and the CCL assumes the parcel is rising due to convection alone. To determine the
convective condensation level on a thermodynamic diagram use the dew-point
temperature and follow the mixing ratio line that intersects that dew-point tempera-
ture until it crosses the environmental temperature (Fig. 7). This represents the level
at which a parcel rising solely due to convection will become saturated and form the
base of a cloud.
Convective Temperature (CT) The convective temperature is the temperature
that must be reached at the surface to form purely convective clouds. If daytime
heating warms the surface to the convective temperature, thermals will begin to rise
and, upon reaching the CCL, be not only saturated but also positively buoyant. The
convective temperature is determined by first locating the CCL. The dry adiabat,
which intersects the convective condensation level, is followed down to the surface
(Fig. 7). The temperature at the surface represents the convective temperature. If the
surface is able to warm to the convective temperature, then the LCL and CCL are the
Mixing Condensation Level (MCL) Clouds can form as a result of turbulent
mixing rather than lifting or convection. The height at which a cloud will form due
to mixing can be determined on a thermodynamic diagram and is referred to as the