The theory governing the nucleation rate, J, of an ice embryo in a saturated vapor,
or of an ice embryo in a supercooled water drop, proceeds in a similar way to the
theory concerning heterogeneous nucleation of a drop. The theory assumes an ice
embryo forms a spherical cap with a contact angle with the surface substrate.
Hydrophobic substances have large contact angles and act as poor ice nucleants.
The equations are analogous to those used for nucleation of a water droplet, except
that all terms applying to water and vapor now apply to ice and vapor, or ice and
water. A discussion of this theory, and more complicated extensions of the classical
theory, is presented by Pruppacher and Klett (1997). The theory predicts that at
C, particles with radii smaller than 0.035 mm and a contact angle of 0 will not be
effective as ice nuclei. The threshold is 0.0092 mmat20
C. Few if any particles
will exhibit contact angles of zero, so actual ice nuclei will have to be somewhat
larger than these values.
Inside a water droplet, nuclei sizes can be somewhat smaller, with the threshold at
least 0.010 and 0.0024 mmat5 and 20
C, respectively. Experiments have shown
that the exact value of the cutoff is also dependent on the chemical composition of
the particle and on its mode of action (deposition, freezing, or contact). In the case of
deposition nuclei, it also depends on the level of supersaturation with respec t to ice.
Some organic chemicals have been found to have somewhat smaller sizes and still
act as ice nuclei.
There is considerable experimental evidence showing that atmospheric ice nuclei
can be preactivated. Preactivation describes a process where an ice nucleus initiates
the growth of an ice crystal, is subjected to an environment where complete subli-
mation occurs, and then is involved in another nucleation event. The particle is said
to be preactivated if the second nucleation event occurs at a significantly warmer
temperature or lower supersaturation. Ice nuclei can also be deactivated, that is lose
their ice nucleating ability. This effect is due to adsorption of certain gases on to the
surface of the nucleus. Pollutants such as NO
, and NH
have been found to
decrease the nucleation ability of certain aerosols. There has also been evidence
from laboratory and field experiments that the nucleating ability of silver iodide
particles decreases when the aerosols are exposed to sunlight.
The very poor correspondence between ice nucleus measurements and ice particle
concentrations in clouds has yet to be adequately explained. Hypotheses forwarded
to explain these observations generally focus on more effective contact nucleation,
particularly in mixed regions of clouds where evaporation can lead to the formation
of giant ice nuclei, and secondary ice particle production, which involves shattering
of existing ice particles during collisions or droplet freezing events. The relative
importance o f each of these mechanisms in real clouds is still uncertain.
Raindrops form through one of two microphysical paths. The first occurs when ice
particles from high, cold regions of clouds fall through the melting level and become
raindrops. In cloud physics literature, clouds that support this process are called