surface when air bubbles break also produce AP when they evaporate. Bulk-to-
particle conversion involves wind erosion of rocks and soils and decay of biological
Mineral dust from Earth’s land surfaces, salt particles from the ocean, organic
material and gas emissions from aquatic and terrestrial plants, combustion products
from human activities and natural fires, volcanoes, and even meteor bombardment
all are sources of atmospheric aerosol. The continents are a much larger source than
the oceans, and urbanized areas are a larger source than rural areas. Consequently,
the highest concentration of aerosol in the lower atmosphere can normally be found
over cities and the lowest concentrations over the open ocean. The concentration of
AP decreases rapidly with height, with approximately 80% of AP contained in the
lowest kilometer of the atmosphere. Aerosol concentrations are reduced through
self-coagulation, precipitation processes, and gravitational settling. The residence
time of aerosol in the atmosphere depends on the size and composition of the
particles and the elevation where they reside (Fig. 1). Smaller particles (<0.01 mm
radius) collide rather quickly due to thermal diffusion and coagulate, while large
particles (>10 mm radius) fall out quickly due to their increased fall velocity. Parti -
cles with radii between 0.01 and 10 mm have the longest residence times, typically
from 1 to 10 days in the lower troposphere, weeks in the upper troposphere, and
months to years at altitudes above the tropopause.
Number Concentration, Mass, and Size Distribution
Aerosol particles range in size from molecular clusters consisting of a few mol ecules
to about 100 mm. Aerosol spectra fall into four size groups: Aitken particles (dry
radii r < 0.1 mm), large particles (0.1 < r < 1 mm), giant particles (1 < r < 10 mm),
and ultragiant particles (r > 10 mm). Whitby (1978) showed that the aerosol size
distribution is comprised of three modes, each related to different physical processes
(Fig. 2). The nuclei mode, which consists of the smallest particles, develops during
chemical reactions associated with gas-to-par ticle conversion. This mode is large in
polluted regions and essentially absent in pristine environments. The larger accu-
mulation mode forms through coagulation of smaller particles and continued g rowth
of existing particles during vapor condensation and chemical reactions. The accu-
mulation mode develops as a result of aging of the aerosol population. The largest
mode, the coarse particle mode, is comprised of particles that originate at Earth’s
surface, either through mechanical disintegration of the solid earth or through
evaporation of tiny droplets produced during bubble breakup at the ocean surface.
These aerosols differ in chemical composition from those comprising the accumula-
tion mode.
The number concent ration of aerosol in the troposphere varies substantially from
location to location. In very polluted air over cities, the number concentration may
approach 10
. Over land, average concentrations range from 10
to 10
while over the oceans, average concentrations typically range from a few hundred to
. The mass concentration varies in a similar way. Over cities, the mass
concentration of aerosol typically ranges from about 100 to 200 mg=m
, while over