C and colder). The first two trans itions are well defined, while the latter is
diffuse, occurring between about 18 and 22
C. At high supersaturations with
respect to ice (water supersatur ated conditions), the transition as a function of
temperature is, in the same order as above, a plate, a needle, a sheath, a sector, a
dendrite, a sector, and a sheath. The tem peratures of these transitions are evident
from Figure 22. At low supersaturations with respect to ice (below water saturation),
the transition in habit as a function of temperature is from a plate, to a hollow (or
solid) column, to a thin (or thick) plate to a hollow (or solid) column, depending on
the level of saturation. Observations of ice particles in the atmosphere show that the
same basic habits appear in nature, although the structure of the particles is often
more complicated. This can be understood when one considers that the particles fall
through a wide range of temperatures and conditions of saturation.
Ice particles possess complex shapes and, as a result, are more difficult to model
than spherical droplets. However, the diffusional g rowth of simple ice crystals can be
treated in a similar way as drops by making use of an analogy between the governing
equations and boundary conditions for electrostatic and diffusion problems. The
electrostatic analogy is the result of the similarity between the equations that
describe the electrostatic potential about a conductor and the vapor field about a
droplet. Both the electrostatic potential function outside a charged conduct ing body
and the vapor density field around a growing or evaporating droplet satisfy Laplace’s
equation. The derivation of the growth equation for ice crystals proceeds exactly as
that for a water droplet, except the radius of a droplet, r, is replaced by the electro-
static capacitance, C, the latent heat is the latent heat o f sublimation, L
, and the
saturation is that over ice, S
, rather than water. In the case of a spherical ice crystal
C ¼r. The result is
=KT ðL
þ R
The problem in using this equation is determining the capac itance factor C, which
varies with the shape of the conductor. For a few shapes, C has a simple form. These
shapes are not the same as ice crystals but have been used to approximate some ice
crystal geometries. To use Eq. (25) to determine the axial growth rate of ice parti-
cles, the term dM=dt must be reduced to a form containing each of the axes. In
general, this will depend on the crystal geometr y. To solve for a or c, an additional
relationship is required between da=dt and dc=dt. This relationship is generally
obtained from measurements of the axial relationships determined from measure-
ments of a large number of crystals. Laboratory experiments conducted to determine
the importance of surface kinetic effects in controlling ice crystal growth have shown
that surface kinetic effects are important in controlling crystal habit since kinetic
effects control how vapor molecules are transported across the crystal surface and
incor porated into the crystal lattice. Ryan et al. (1976) has measured the growth rates
of ice crystals in the laboratory. Figure 23 from their study shows that the a axis