electron and the proton. In 1913 Niels Bohr postu lated that the angular momentum
of the electron is quantized, and can take on only certain values such that
vr ¼
where n is any positive integer. This implies that the electron can only take on certain
values of v and r, so the total energy (kinetic plus potential) stored in the atom is
quantized as well. If the energy levels of the atom are discrete, the changes between
the levels must also be quantized.
It is these specific changes in energy levels that determine the absorption and
emission lines, the wavelengths at which the atom absorbs and emits radiation. The
energy of each photon is related to its frequency and so its wavelength
E ¼ hn ¼
A photon striking an atom may be absorbed if the energy in the photon corre-
sponds to the difference in energy between the current state and another allowed
state. In a population of atoms or molecules (i.e., in a volume of gas) collisions
between molecules mean that there are molecules in many states, so a volume of gas
has many absorption lines.
In the simple Bohr atom the energy of the atom depends only on the state of the
electron. Polyatomic molecules can contain energy in their electronic state, as well as
in their vibrational and rotational state. The energy in each of these modes is
quantized, and photons may be absorbed when their energy matches the difference
between two allowable states in any of the modes.
The largest energy differences (highest frequencies and shortest wavelengths,
with absorption=emission lines in the visible and ultraviolet) are associated with
transitions in the electronic state of the molecules. At the extreme, very energetic
photons can completely strip electrons from a molecule. Photodissociation of ozone,
for example, is the mechanism for stratospheric absorption of ultraviolet radiation.
Energy is also stored in the vibration of atoms bound together in a stable mole-
cule. Vibrational transitions give rise to lines in near-infrared and infrared, between
those associated with electronic and rotational transitions. The amount of energy in
each vibrational mode of a molecule depends on the way the individual atoms are
arranged within the molecule, on the mass of the atoms, on the strength of the bonds
holding them together, and on the way the molecule vibrates. Vibrational motion can
be decomposed into normal modes, patterns of motion that are orthogonal to one
another. In a linear symmetric molecule such as CO
, for example, the patterns are
symmetric stretch, bending, and antisymmetric stretch, as shown in Figure 3. The
state of each normal mode is quantized separately.
The way atoms are arranged within a molecule also plays a role in how energy is
stored in rotational modes. Carbon dioxide, for example, contains three atoms
arranged in a straight line, and thus has only one distinct mode of rotation about