radar, basic operation (Continued )
return signal delay time gives distance
to target, 896–908
strength of signal gives precipitation
intensity, 896–908
targets, 896–908
radar, beam propagation, 902
beam spread, 902
locating tornadoes and microbursts is
difficult, 902
over-the-horizon radar visibility, 902
radar, beam scattering, 900–902
physical mechanism, 900–902
Bragg scattering, 900–902
ground or sea surface clutter, 900–902
raindrops polarized by radar beam,
scattering also from bugs, birds,
density gradients, 900–902
side lobe radiation, 900–902
radar, choice of wavelength, 898–899
ability of antenna to focus radiation
depends on size, 898–899
attenuation proportional to rain intensity,
beamwidth a function of wavelength and
antenna diameter, 898–899
typical wavelengths, 898–899
use longest possible, 898–899
radar, data processing, 903
Doppler velocity, 904–905
gates, 903
minimum power detectable, 904
Nyquist interval (NI), 906–907
Prop to diameter E6, 903–904
Pulse Repetition Time (PRT), 905–906
radial component only, 904–905
range ambiguity (RA), 905–906
receiver and signal processing system,
reflectivity, 903–904
spectral width, 905
velocity ambiguity, 906–907
Z-R relationships, 903–904
radar, mobile, 916–918
airborne or shipborne, 918
Doppler-on-Wheels (DOW), 916–918
radar, polarization: dual=multiple, 914–916
linear depolarization ratio, 914–916
particle type, rain rate, 914–916
shape of rain=ice particles, 914–916
radar, scanning techniques and displays,
constant altitude PPI (CAPPI), 908
Plan Position Indicator (PPI), 908
Range Height Indicator (RHI), 908
radar, transmitter types, 899–900
Klystrons more costly but produce
stable, coherent signals, 899–900
Magnetrons cheaper but signals drift
rapidly, 899–900
most modern radars use magnetrons,
radiation hazards minimal, 900
typical peak power 40 kW–1 MW,
radar, weather, 895–896
operational uses, 895–896
crucial for short-term forecasts
(<6 hrs), 895–896
mesoscale forecasts will benefit from
radar obs, 895–896
research uses, 896
large and small scales, 896
microphysical processes, 896
severe and quiescent weather, 896
upper air and ABL, 896
radar, wind retrievals
dual=multiple Doppler calculations,
horizontal winds, 911–913
continuity equation, 911–913
single Doppler estimates, 911
true 3D wind vectors, 908–911
radiation, net at Earth’s surface, 135
cooling by convection or
evapotranspiration, 135
sensible or latent heat, 135
radiative heating rates, 351–357
in clear and cloudy skies, 351–352
volcanic aerosols, 357–359
water vapor, O
, 351–352
radiative transfer equation, 316–323,
absorption, 321–323
complete solution of, 338–341
adding-doubling method, 338–341
eigenvector solutions, 338–341
in 2D and 3D, 338–341
computing flux, 335–338
Eddington solution, 335–338
emission, 321–323
mass scattering coefficient, 321–323
phase function, 321–323
scattering, 321–323
simple solutions of, 335–338
simplification, 332–334
two stream methods, 335–338