the large ‘‘overflow can,’’ respectively. For capturing snow, the funnel and inner tube
are removed.
Most manual weather stations read and record precipitation daily at a specified
time of observation. A few manual stations may measure more frequently. When
measuring liquid precipitation, the observer simply inserts the calibrated measure-
ment stick straight down into the inner measurement tube and reads the depth of
accumulated water. The observer then records that amount, empties the gage, and is
ready for the next observation. Manual rain gages are very accurate for the measure-
ment of liquid precipitation under most conditions. However, when winds are very
strong during a rain event, the gage will not catch all of what falls from the clouds
since wind movement over the top of the gage will deflect a portion of the raindrops.
For meas uring the water content of snowfall only the large outer cylinder (over-
flow can) is left outdoors. Following a snow event, the standard observing procedure
is to bring the gage inside at the scheduled time of observation. The snow sample
must first be melted. This is accomplished either by setting the gage in a container of
warm water until the snow and ice in the gage are melted or by adding a known
amount of warm water directly to the contents of the gage to hasten its melt.
Observers then pour the contents of the gage through the funnel into the inner
cylinder for measurement, being careful to subtract any volume of water that was
added to hasten the melt. In very snowy locations, some observers may be equipped
with speci al calibrated scales so that the gage and its contents can be weighed to
determine precipitation. This simplifies the observation considerably, especially for
locations where warm water is not readily available.
A variety of other precipitation gages are also used. Weighing-type recording rain
gages have been used for many years by the NWS for documenting the timing of
precipitation (see, e.g., Fig. 2). For winter operation, an antifreeze solution is
required. An oil film on the surface of the fluid reservoir is also recommended to
suppress evaporation losses. The use of oil and antifreeze could be environmental
hazards so care must be taken in the selection and use of these materials.
Storage precipitation gages, large gages with the capacity to hold several feet of
snow water content, have been used for measuring total accumulated precipitation at
remote locations. These gages also require oil and antifreeze. The volume of
additives must be accurately measured since their density differs from water. Tipping
bucket precipitation gages, a favorite gage because of its low cost, relative simplicity,
and ease of use for automated applications, are not very effective for measuring the
precipitation from snow (McKee et al., 19 94). Heat must be applied to the surfa ce of
the funnel of these gages in order to melt the snow. Since most snow falls at rates of
only a few hundredths of an inch per hour (1 or 2 mm per hour or less), even small
amounts of added heat can lead to the sublimation or evaporation of much of the
moisture before it reaches the tipping buckets. Furthermore, the addition of heat can
create small convective updrafts above the surface of the gage, further reducing gage
The National Weather Service continues to search for a satisfactor y and afford-
able all-weather precipitation gage. As simple as it may seem, the measurement of
precipitation amounts has yet to be perfected.