self-collection of large drops, 286–287
cloud droplets and ice crystals, 262–274
cloud seeding to increase snowpack,
cloud radiative forcing, 369–370
clouds, 255–256
definition, 387–388
composition, 255–256
humidity levels in, 255–256
importance of, 255–256
influence on:
aerosol composition, 255–256
atmospheric motions, 255–256
Earth’s climate, 255–256
hydrological cycle, 255–256
trace gas composition, 255–256
origin of current classification system,
particles, 387–388
pressures at, 255–256
structure, 387–388
temperatures of, 255–256
typical lifetimes, 387–388
clouds, classification of, 389–390
altitude regimes, 389–390, 255–256
categories, 389–390
composition, 389–390
dimensions of, 255–256
other attributes, 389–390
WMO cloud catalog, 388–389
clouds, high, 391–393
cirrus, cirrostratus, cirrocumulus,
388–389, 391–393
composition, 391–393
clouds, low stratiform, 388–389, 399
clouds, low-based convective, 400–404
cumulus, 388–389
clouds, middle level, 393–398
altocumulus: water drops, 393–398
altostratus, altocumulus, nimbostratus,
altostratus: ice crystals and snow,
product of slow updrafts over large areas,
virga, 393–398
clouds, modification methods, 436–437
dynamic seeding, 436–437
microphysical, 436–437
seeding agents, 436–437
clouds, observations of
clinometers, 735–736
cloud height, 735–736
fixed beam ceilometers, 735–736
important for aviation, 735–736
rotating beam ceilometers, 735–736
CMOS logic circuit, 784–785
coalescence, growth by, 280–284
single drop hydrodynamics,
coherent turbulent structures, 76
2D enstrophy decay, 77
inverse cascading quasi-2D turbulence,
kurtosis, 77
cold air outbreaks, 544–545
movement in Northern Hemisphere,
cold rain process, 434–435
collection efficiency, 285
Comite Internationale des Poid et Mesures
(CIPM), 701–707
comma cloud signature, 48
Conditional Available Potential Energy
(CAPE), 585
conditional instability, 585
and vertical wind shear, 585
lift from surface outflows, 585
loaded gun sounding, 585
moisture and upward motion, 585
conservation of energy, 97
conservation of moisture, 97
Constant Altitude Plan Position Indicator
(CAPPI), 908
continuity equation, 3, 10, 97
convection, deep moist, 582–586
ingredients of, 582–586
free convection, 582–586
instability, 582–586
lift, 582–586
moisture, 582–586
convective available potential energy
(CAPE), 250
convective condensation level (CCL),
convective inhibition (CIN), 250
convective storms, 508, 586–587
air mass, 586–587
multicellular, 586–587
low-level wind shear, 586–587
squall lines, 586
pulse type, 586–587
supercells, 586–587
associated severe weather, 586–587
single rotating updraft, 586–587
convective temperature (CT), 245–248
coordinates, 7, 13, 14, 26
Eulerian, 7