Now we can calculate the thermodynamic efficiency of the Carnot engine:
Z ¼
: ð55Þ
Hence, the Carnot c ycle achieves its highest efficiencies when the temperature
difference between the two heat reservoirs is the greatest!
It is useful to generalize this result to the case of irreversible processes. To do so,
we consider the second law, and its implication that heat can only flow from a
warmer toward a cooler temperature. As a first step, it is noted that Eq. (55) is
valid for any reversible cycle performed between two heat sources T
and T
independent of the nature of the cycle and of the systems. This is a statement of
Carnot’s theorem.
Just as Eq. (55) holds for a reversible cycle, it can be shown that for any irre-
versible cycle, the second law requires that ðQ
Þ < 0, i.e., heat must
flow from warm to cold and not vice versa. It can also be shown that any reversible
cycle can be decomposed into a number of Carnot cycles (reversible cycles between
two adiaba ts and two isotherms). Therefore, for any irreversible process it can be
shown that
0 ð56Þ
which implies Eq. (46).
The Carnot cycle can also be viewed in reverse, in which case it is a refrigerating
machine. In that case a quantity Q
of heat is taken from a cold body (the cold
reservoir) and heat Q
is given to a hot reservoir. For this to happen, mecha nical
work must be performed on the system by the surroundings. In the case of a
refrigerator, an electric motor supplies the work.
In recent years, atmospheric scientists have discovered that certain types of
weather systems derive their energy from a Carnot cycle. In particular, the tropi cal
cyclone* is powered by a Carnot-like cycle created by the radia l circulation inward
to the storm center at the surface, up within the eye-wall clouds, outward at the storm
top, and then back downward far away from the storm center. State I, or the Carnot
cycle, is equivalent to the air moving inward toward the storm center along the ocean
surface at relatively constant temperature and toward low pressure in the storm
center. The heat reservoir is the ocean. In this case it heats not only through the
transfer of sensible heat but also through the transfer of latent heat. Stage II is found
in the eye wall, where the heated air rises moist adiabatically under falling tempera-
tures. Stage III occurs in the outflow at high levels away from the storm center. The
outflowing air maintains a constant temperature while slowly subsiding and pressure
*Tropical cyclones are known as ‘‘hurricanes’’ in the Atlantic and eastern Pacific oceans, while in the
western Pacific they are known as ‘‘typhoons.’’