The first law requires that for any thermodynamic system an energy budget must
exist that requires any net energy flowing into a system to be accounted for by
changes in the external energy of the system or the internal energy stored within
the system. The external energy of the system includes its kinetic energy of motion
and its energy of position, relative to forces outside the system such as gravitational,
electrical, magnetic, chemical, and many other forms of potential energy between the
system and its surroundings. The same energies can also exist within the system
between the molecules, atoms, and subatomic particles composing the system and
are termed internal energies. Kinetic energy of molecular motions relative to the
movement of the center of mass of the system is measured by the system’s tempera-
ture and represen t the thermal internal energy. The other internal energies are
potential internal energies and may include a potential energy against the inter-
molecular forces of attraction (latent heat), chemical potential energy (e.g., a gas
composed of oxygen and hydrogen can potentially react), and so on.
Because we probably are not even aware of all of the forms of internal forces that
exist in a system, we make no attempt to evaluate the total internal energy. Instead,
for the purposes of classical thermodynamics, we need only consider changes in
internal energy occurring during allowable processes. For instance, for atmospheric
studies we choose to ignore nuclear reactions and even most chemical reactions. But
we cannot neglect the changes in internal potential energy due to intermolecular
forces of liquid and ice water phases in the atmosphere. The intermolecular forces
are substantial, and the energy needed to overcome them is the latent heat of
vaporization and melting. Thermodynamic energy transfers between thermal and
these internal potential energies drive the general circulation of Earth’s atmosphere!
Our limited thermodynamic discussion will ignore the treatment of some internal
energies such as surface energy of droplets, chemical energy in photochemical
processes, electrical energy in thunderstorms and the upper atmosphere, chemical
processes involving CFCs, an d other processes known to have important secondary
impacts on the evolution of the atmospheric thermodynamic system. These
processes can be added to the system when needed, following the methods described
in this chapter.
In most texts of classical thermodynamics, closed thermodynamic systems are
assumed. A closed system allows no mass exchange between the parcel (system) and
the surroundings. This approximation greatly simplifies the thermodynamic formu-
lation. Later, we can still account for molecular transfer by representing it as a
noninteracting and externally specified source of mass or energy rather than as an
explicitly interacting component of the formulation.
One such open mass flux that must be accounted for with an open system is the
mass flux of precipitation. We affix our parcel coordinate relative to the center of
mass of the dry air, which is assumed to move identically to vapor. The liquid and ice
components of the system, however, may attain a terminal velocity that allows it to
flow into and out of the parcel diabatically. As a result, we will derive thermo-
dynamic relationships for an open system, or one where external fluxes of mass
into and out of the system are allowed. To retain some simplicity, however, we will
make the assumption that external mass fluxes into and out of the system will be of