clouds themselves must be categorized by the processes that form them, giving rise
to the study of cloud types. From the discipline of microphysics emerges the study of
weather modification, which studies the possi bility of purposefully modifying
natural precipitation formation processes to alter the precipitation falling to the
surface. Another discipline associated with microphysics is atmospheric electricity,
which studies the transfer of electrical energy by microphysical processes.
A third major branch of physical meteorology is the study of atmospheric radia-
tion. This area of study develops theories and laws governing the transfer of energy
through the atmospher e by radiative processes. The se include the adsorbtion, trans-
mission, and scattering of both solar radiation and terrestrial radiation. A primary
goal of atmospheric radiation studies is to determine the net radiative loss or gain at
a particular atmospheric location that leads to thermodynamic change described by
thermodynamics theory. Since radiative transfer is affected by details of the atmo-
spheric thermal, humidity, and chemical structure, it is possible to recover some
details of those structures by observing the radiation being transferred. This has
given rise to a major branch of atmospheric radiation called remote sensing, the
goal of which is to translate observations of radiation to atmospheric structure. The
study of atmospheric optics is another branch of atmospheric radiation that applies
concepts of radiative transfer to study the effect of atmospheric structure on visible
radiation passing through the atmosphere. Phenomena such as blue sky, rainbows,
sun-dogs, and so on are subjects of this area.
Finally, boundary layer meteorology studies the transfer of heat, radiation, moist-
ure, and momentum between the surface and the atmosphere. The transfer of energy
occurs on a wide range of scales from the molecular scale all the way to the scales of
thermal circulations. The challenge is to quantify these transfers on the basis of
observable or modelable atmospheric quantities. This also gives rise to the need to
represent the evolution of the soil, vegetation, and water surfaces. This has given rise
to branches of atmospheric and other earth sciences aimed at developing models of
the soil, water, and vegetation.
In this chapter we will concentrate our efforts on laying down the foundations of
basic thermodynamics, microphysics, and radiative transfer and surface layer theory.
Atmospheric thermodynamics is the study of the macro scopic physical properties of
the atmosphere for which temperature is an important variable. The ther modynamic
behavior of a gas, such as air, results from the collective effects and interactions of
the many molecules of which it is composed. However, because these explicit
microscale processes are too small, rapid, and numerous to be observable and too
chaotic to be predictable, their effects are not described by the Newtonian laws
governing the molecular processes. Instead, classical thermodynamics consists of
laws governing the observed macroscopic statistics of the behavior of the micro-
scopic system of air and the suspended liquids and solids within. As a consequence,