Index 319
timelike, 281
timelike vs smooth timelike, 281
E-continuous map, 280
E-distance, 279
E-open ball, 280
E-open set, 280
E-topology, 280
eigenspace, 98
eigenspinor, 190
of a linear transformation, 98
of a spinor, 190
eigenvector, 98
Einstein field equations, 250
empty space solutions, 250
Einstein static universe, 255
geodesics, 258
line element, 256
Einstein summation convention, xi
electric 3-vector, 95
electromagnetic field, 94, 120
constant, 113, 123
null, 99
regular, 99
spinor, 186
electromagnetic spinor, 186
electromagnetic wave
simple plane, 129
spherical, 3, 17, 35
electron, 88
spin, 135, 294
elevator experiment, 200
energy, 82
Coulomb field, 125
density, 111
of a photon, 84
total relativistic, 82
energy-momentum tensor, 250
energy-momentum transformation, 109
spinor form of, 195
equation of motion, 93
Euler angles, 72
event horizon, 268
events, 1, 9
expanding universe, 255
extended complex plane, 73, 76, 79
exterior derivative, 120
Feynman path, 288
Feynman track of an electron, 288
field equations, 198, 250, 255, 277
field of vision, 79
Fizeau procedure, 3
flag pole of a spin vector, 179
4-acceleration, 51
of a material particle, 81
of a photon, 84
4-tensor, 141
4-vector, 169
contravariant, 141
covariant, 141
4-velocity, 50
fractional linear transformation, 73, 77
frame of reference, 3, 10
admissible, 4, 19
free charged particle, 93
free particle, 87
frequency of a photon, 84
fundamental group, 297
of a product, 298
of real projective space, 300, 301
of the rotation group, 303
null curve, 47
null vector, 17
timelike curve, 47
timelike vector, 16
future null cone, 17
future null direction, 74
future null infinity, 266, 274
future time cone, 16
future timelike infinity, 273
Gaussian curvature, 243
of cylinder, 243
of S
, 243
general linear group, 138
general theory of relativity, 202
geodesic, 230
affine parametrization, 262
causal character, 234
constant speed, 233
degenerate, 230
existence and uniqueness, 232
of de Sitter spacetime, 235
of Minkowski spacetime, 234
of S
, 234
of S
, 235
reparametrization of, 232