x Preface
gravitational fields that cannot be considered negligible. Section 4.2 describes
the philosophy espoused by Einstein for this purpose. Implementing this phi-
losophy, however, requires mathematical tools that played no role in the first
three chapters so Section 4.3 provides a very detailed and elementary intro-
duction to just enough of this mathematical machinery to accomplish our
very modest goal. Thus supplied with a rudimentary grasp of manifolds,
Riemannian and Lorentzian metrics, geodesics and curvature we are in a
position to introduce, in Section 4.4, the Einstein field equations (with cos-
mological constant Λ) and learn just a bit about one remarkable solution.
This is the so-called de Sitter universe dS and it is remarkable for a number
of reasons. It is a model of the universe as a whole, that is, a cosmological
model. Indeed, we will see that, depending on one’s choice of coordinates, it
can be viewed as representing an instance of any one of the three standard
Robertson-Walker models of relativistic cosmology. Taking Λ to be zero, dS
can be viewed as a model of the event world in the presence of a mass-energy
distribution due to a somewhat peculiar “fluid” with positive density, but
negative pressure. On the other hand, if Λ is a positive constant, then dS
models an empty universe and, in this sense at least, is not unlike Minkowski
spacetime. The two have very different properties, however, and one might be
tempted to dismiss dS as a mathematical curiosity were it not for the fact that
certain recent astronomical observations suggest that the expansion of our
universe is actually accelerating and that this weighs in on the side of the de
Sitter universe rather than the Minkowski universe. Thus, this final chapter
is also something of an Epilogue to our story in which the torch is, perhaps,
passed to a new main character. Section 4.5 delves briefly into a somewhat
more subtle difference between the Minkowski and de Sitter worlds that one
sees only “at infinity.” Following Penrose [Pen
] we examine the asymptotic
structures of dS and M by constructing conformal embeddings of them into
the Einstein static universe. Penrose developed this technique to study mass-
less spinor field equations such as the source-free Maxwell equations and the
Weyl neutrino equation with which we concluded Chapter 3.
The background required for an effective reading of the first three chap-
ters is a solid course in linear algebra and the usual supply of “mathematical
maturity.” In Chapter 4 we will require also some basic material from real
analysis such as the Inverse Function Theorem. For the two appendices we
must increment our demands upon the reader and assume some familiar-
ity with elementary point-set topology. Appendix A describes, in the spe-
cial case of Minkowski spacetime, a remarkable topology devised by Hawk-
ing, King and McCarthy [HKM] and based on ideas of Zeeman [Z
homeomorphisms are just compositions of translations, dilations and Lorentz
transformations. Only quite routine point-set topology is required, but the
construction of the homeomorphism group depends on Zeeman’s Theorem
from Section 1.6.
In Appendix B we elaborate upon the “essential 2-valuedness” of spinors
and its significance in physics for describing, for example, the quantum
mechanical state of a spin 1/2 particle, such as an electron. Paul Dirac’s