Preface ix
(bivector) associated with the linear transformation representing the field and
use it and its dual to write down Maxwell’s (source-free) equations. As sample
solutions to Maxwell’s equations we consider the Coulomb field, the field of a
uniformly moving charge, and a rather complete discussion of simple, plane
electromagnetic waves.
Chapter 3 is an elementary introduction to the algebraic theory of spinors
in Minkowski spacetime. The rather lengthy motivational Section 3.1 traces
the emergence of the spinor concept from the general notion of a (finite di-
mensional) group representation. Section 3.2 contains the abstract definition
of spin space and introduces spinors as complex-valued multilinear function-
als on spin space. The Levi-Civita spinor and the elementary operations
of spinor algebra (type changing, sums, components, outer products, (skew-)
symmetrization, etc.) are treated in Section 3.3.
In Section 3.4 we introduce the Infeld-van der Waerden symbols (essen-
tially, normalized Pauli spin matrices) and use them, together with the spinor
map from Section 1.7, to define natural spinor equivalents for vectors and cov-
ectors in Minkowski spacetime. The spinor equivalent of a future-directed null
vector is shown to be expressible as the outer product of a spin vector and its
conjugate. Reversing the procedure leads to the existence of a future-directed
null “flagpole” for an arbitrary nonzero spin vector.
Spinor equivalents for bilinear forms are constructed in Section 3.5 with the
skew-symmetric forms (bivectors) playing a particularly prominant role. With
these we can give a detailed construction of the geometrical representation
“up to sign” of a nonzero spin vector as a null flag (due to Penrose). The
sign ambiguity in this representation intimates the “essential 2-valuedness”
of spinors which we discuss in some detail in Appendix B.
Chapter 3 culminates with a return to the electromagnetic field. We intro-
duce the electromagnetic spinor φ
associated with a skew-symmetric lin-
ear transformation F and find that it can be decomposed into a symmetrized
outer product of spin vectors α and β. The flagpoles of these spin vectors are
eigenvectors for the electromagnetic field transformation, i.e., they determine
its principal null directions. The solution to the eigenvalue problem for φ
yields two elegant spinor versions of the “Petrov type” classification theorems
of Chapter 2. Specifically, we prove that a skew-symmetric linear transforma-
tion F on M is null if and only if λ = 0 is the only eigenvalue of the associated
electromagnetic spinor φ
and that this, in turn, is the case if and only if
the associated spin vectors α and β are linearly dependent. Next we find that
the energy-momentum transformation has a beautifully simple spinor equiv-
alent and use it to give another proof of the Dominant Energy Condition.
Finally, we derive the elegant spinor form of Maxwell’s equations and briefly
discuss its generalizations to massless free field equations for arbitrary spin
n particles.
Chapter 4, which is new to this second edition, is intended to serve
two purposes. The first is to provide a gentle Prologue to the steps one
must take to move beyond special relativity and adapt to the presence of