graph images, and the resulting sonargraph is a 16 gray-scale map which reflects both
bottom topography and bottom material. Factors that influence signal strength include
angle of incidence, grain size of the bottom material, mineral composition,
porosity, gas bubbles in the sediment, and bottom flora and fauna. A single track in the
shallow water in the upper portion of the reservoir was made without the positioning
system, but the return signal strength was extremely weak because of the coarse-grain
Hydrogen sulfide (H
S) gas bubbles are formed in the sediments by the
anaerobic decomposition of organic matter. Cachí sediments are relatively high in
organic material, with loss-on-ignition values averaging about 4 percent and reaching
10 percent in soft sediments. These organics are derived primarily from hyacinth and
lake plankton detritus. The warm temperatures in this tropical reservoir accelerate the
rate of organic decomposition and the formation of gas bubbles. The bubbles create
sharp density interfaces within the sediments, strongly scattering acoustic signals. Boat
traffic can also generate acoustic noise that interferes with sonar, and at Cachí (where
there was no boat traffic) the sonar sometimes picked up strong acoustical interference
from the hydropower plant.
The bottom characteristics at a number of locations were known from the sediment
cores, making it possible to correlate the following bottom conditions against gray-scale
units on the sonargraph: median grain size, wet bulk density (related to porosity), and
depth to visible gas in the x-ray films of the cores. Through a series of regression
correlations, it was determined that variation in grain size was the most important
gray-scale parameter, giving a correlation coefficient of R
= 0.71 for an exponential
regression. Finer sediments gave a stronger echo (darker image). Variations in wet
bulk density and gas content were poorly correlated to gray-scale value. Bottom flora
was absent in the reservoir (water hyacinths float on the surface) and tube worms were
present at very few locations, so biotic factors were ignored. Organic detritus caused
low wet bulk density values.
In the sonargraphs, it was found that the thalweg generally became darker in the
downstream direction, interpreted as a decrease in grain size and wet bulk density. The
sonargraph showed a dark gray meander along the thalweg, interpreted as a zone
of deeper sediment deposition by turbidity currents. Despite small grain size,
terraces showed lighter gray-scale values, interpreted as reflection from gas within 15
cm of the sediment-water interface and signal attenuation by deposits overlying the
gas layer.
19.4.6 Subbottom Profiler
The higher frequency sonar is reflected strongly in the immediate vicinity of the water-
sediment interface, thereby registering the bottom of the reservoir. The lower-
frequency (14 kHz) subbottom profiler signal penetrates farther and is reflected
from boundaries within the sediment deposit, plus backscatter within the sediments.
When a subbottom profiler is used in a reservoir, the three principal boundaries of
interest are (1) the sediment-water interface, (2) the boundary between the surface crust
formed by desiccation during the most recent drawdown (flushing) and the overlying
recently deposited material, and (3) the boundary between the original bottom and
the material deposited since impoundment. Deposition depth is determined as the
difference between these boundaries. Because of the presence of gas, the acoustic
signals penetrated to only about 10 cm, even in the thalweg where deposition depth
was known to be much deeper. This abundance of gas made it impossible to obtain
usable readings of deposition depth by acoustic methods.